Liturgy and Prayer
Faith formation can be an important part of any student’s college career, and University Ministry invites students to participate in prayer and worship for their own spiritual growth. While classes are in session, students have the opportunity to attend Mass, receive the sacraments and participate in spiritual direction and formation for their own personal growth.
Liturgical and Music Ministry
University Ministry is always looking for students who would like to be involved in the 8 p.m. student liturgy. Students can participate as:
- Eucharistic Ministers
- Lectors
- Sacristans
- Music Ministers (musicians and singers)
If interested, please contact University Ministry at or 313-993-1560.
Liturgical and Music Ministry Descriptions
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist assist the priest in distributing the Body and Blood of Christ during the 8 p.m. Mass. Students who wish to participate in this ministry should contact University Ministry to schedule a training.
Lectors proclaim the first and second readings during the 8 p.m. Mass. Students who wish to participate in this ministry should contact University Ministry to schedule a training.
Sacristans set up for the 8 p.m. Student Sunday Mass, assist the priest during the Mass and clean up after the Mass. All sacristans need to be interviewed and trained. This can be a . For those who have ever been altar servers at their church or school, this is a good foundation for this position.
Music Ministry
Music Ministry meets for rehearsal every Sunday at 7 p.m. before the weekly 8 p.m. student Mass. Director Dan Greig welcomes singers and instrumentalists of all kinds. Music reading skills are helpful but NOT required.
Join us at 7 p.m. every Sunday during the semester!
Campus Worship Schedules
McNichols Campus
Catholic Mass - Mass in St. Ignatius Chapel
Mass is offered during fall and winter semesters in two locations on the McNichols Campus:
At St. Ignatius Chapel in the Commerce & Finance Building (Business Administration):
- Sundays at 8 p.m.
- Monday, Wednesday and Friday at noon
- Tuesday and Thursday at 12:45 p.m.
At Lansing Reilly Hall (Jesuit Community) Chapel - Enter through the glass doors just inside the McNichols gate.
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 5:15 p.m.
Or locally:
- across the street, offers a daily 5:30 p.m. Mass, Saturdays at 5 p.m. Mass, Sundays 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Masses and Eucharistic Adoration every Friday 4:30-5:30 p.m.
Reconciliation (confession) is offered at 7:15 p.m. every Sunday before the 8 p.m. Mass during the academic year in the Commerce & Finance Building, St. Ignatius Chapel - McNichols Campus. It is also available every Saturday at 4-4:45 p.m. at Gesu Church (across McNichols Road) or by appointment with the priests below:
- Fr. Jeff Dorr at
- Fr. Charles Oduke at, 313-993-1651
McNichols Campus - Islamic Prayer
- Islamic Prayer Room is located on the first floor of the Student Union on the McNichols Campus.
- Jummah Prayer is offered every Friday during the school year. Connect with our Muslim Chaplain, Oussama Ajerd, or the Muslim Student Association (MSA) for the most up-to-date times.
Corktown Campus
Catholic Mass
Mass will be offered at the Dental School on special holidays and Feast Days. This will be announced by University Ministry.
Interested in joining a virtual small faith sharing group? Contact Dan Greig for more information. -
Riverfront Campus
For Mass times at Ss. Peter and Paul Church on the Riverfront Campus, .
Sacramental Preparation
Interested in Becoming Catholic?
If you are wondering about the Catholic Church, its beliefs and practices, or are thinking about becoming Catholic, come and explore with us. For those who are not baptized, we offer Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) from the end of September to Easter each year in collaboration with Gesu Catholic Church. Please meet with the director to register for sacramental preparation.
If you are already Catholic, we invite you to join these sessions with those seeking the sacraments to strengthen and deepen your own Catholic knowledge and prayer life.
Contact University Ministry at 313-993-1560 or Anita Klueg at or 313-993-1667.
Confirmation and First Communion
If you were baptized Catholic, but now would like to make your First Communion or be Confirmed, we can do that! Contact University Ministry 313-993-1560 or Anita Klueg at
Spiritual Directors/Companions Available
If you have been searching for a deeper relationship with God or want to seek God's guidance, you might consider meeting with a spiritual director/companion.
The below trained spiritual companions offer confidential one-on-one sessions for an opportunity to slow down and reflect on your life experience, God's action and grace in your daily routines and connect deeply to "the Spirit hidden in the depths of your soul." (T. Merton)
In meeting with a spiritual director, a person learns to pay attention to God's personal communication, to respond to this personally communicating God, to be open to intimacy with God and to live out the richness of this relationship.
We welcome students of all faiths to participate in spiritual direction. For more information, please contact one of our spiritual directors or ask us in our office.
Spiritual Directors
- Justin Kelly,
- Anna Bryson:
- Anita Klueg: 313-993-1560
- Charles Oduke:
University Ministry has several spaces across the McNichols Campus that students can use for prayer, reflection, quiet time or other spiritual needs.St. Ignatius Chapel
St. Ignatius Chapel: McNichols Campus, College of Business Administration, Commerce & Finance Building
The St. Ignatius Chapel is a wonderful spiritual resource on 海角大神's McNichols Campus. Located in the College of Business Administration's Commerce & Finance Building, the combination of contemporary and traditional architectural forms found in the chapel makes it an ideal place for worship, prayer and reflection.
Catholic Mass is offered in the chapel Sunday to Friday. Please see the worship schedule for days and times. People of all faiths are welcome to the chapel and services.
Mercy Gathering Place

Mercy Gathering Place: McNichols Campus, Shiple Hall
Mercy Gathering Place is located on the first floor of Shiple Hall. A quiet and reflective space that features a beautiful stained-glass portrayal of young people who devote their lives to living out their faith, Mercy Gathering Place is used by faith sharing groups, orientation and reflection for Service in the City and Service Immersion Trip groups and other University Ministry events and programs serving all students.
College of Health Professions Reflection Room

Reflection Room: McNichols Campus, College of Health Professions, Health Professions Building
This room is a place of solitude, quiet reflection, prayer, inner peace or meditation.
Reflection Garden

Reflection Garden: McNichols Campus, Near the Bell Tower
The garden is a place of beauty to sit, reflect and be with others. The Detroit Collaborative Design Center worked with the University Ministry Office and focus groups of students and employees on campus to create the beginnings of this garden. Thanks to a donation from the Brolick family we have been able to complete Phase One of the project. Fundraising efforts will help us complete the final phase.
Multi-Faith Prayer Rooms

Islamic Prayer Rooms: McNichols Campus
There are two spaces available to our Muslim students for our prayer on campus. One is the Islamic Prayer Room, located on the first floor of the Student Union. The other, the Multi-faith Reflection Room, is located on the ground floor of McNichols Library. There is an ablution space for wudu connected to the one in the Student Union. Please reach out to students in the Muslim Student Association or University Ministry for access to the room.
Holy Spirit Chapel

Holy Spirit Ecumenical Chapel: McNichols Campus, Student Union
The Holy Spirit Chapel is located on the ground floor of the Student Union, located at the end of the hall of study rooms. It is open to all students for prayer and reflection.
Multi-Faith Reflection Room & Peace Pole

Multi-Faith Reflection Room & Peace Pole: McNichols Campus, Library
The Multi-Faith Reflection Room is on the ground floor of the McNichols Campus Library. Open to all students for prayer and reflection. There is a basket of prayer rugs for Muslim students' use. The Peace Pole is located in front of the library and has been used as a gathering place for the community for prayer, vigils and reflections.