Holiday Giving Opportunities
Alpha Sigma Nu Sock Drive - EXTENDED THROUGH DEC. 16

The Detroit Mercy chapter of Alpha Sigma Nu, the National Jesuit Honor Society, is holding its annual "Sock Drive" for the homeless.
One of the struggles of homeless people is taking care of their feet, especially in the winter. They need warm, dry socks, which are often hard to come by. You can help by donating socks to the Alpha Sigma Nu annual sock drive.
This drive begins Tuesday, Nov. 19 and runs through Monday, Dec. 16, the last day of class before exams. Look for boxes in which to donate the socks in many buildings on the McNichols Campus.
Donated socks will be given to the Pope Francis Center and other programs for homeless people in the Detroit area.
In the last two years, Alpha Sigma Nu has collected more than 1,200 pairs of socks.
Winter Clothing Drive - COMPLETED

Detroit Mercy Titans Athletics and Eastern Michigan Athletics are teaming up for a Winter Clothing Drive during both the Men's and Women's Basketball Games on Tuesday, Nov. 26 at 7 p.m. in Detroit and on Saturday, Nov. 30 at 7 p.m. in Ypsilanti.
Bring in any new or gently worn winter clothes to either or both games and receive a free ticket into the game!
All donations will be brought to the shelter in Ypsilanti!
Be there to support your Titans and to help the community feel warmer this winter!
Holiday Pop-Up Shop - COMPLETED

Mark your calendars — The Holiday Pop-up Shop is back!
Handmade items, treats, cards and all sorts of curious and unique items will be on sale from Wednesday, Dec. 4 to Friday, Dec. 6 in the McNichols Campus Library lobby. Shop hours will be 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day.
Proceeds of the sale go to a nonprofit children’s literacy initiative — sponsored by Detroit Mercy's Department of English — whose mission is to expand access to high-quality children’s books and support families in reading with their children. Celebrating its 10th anniversary, Rx for Reading has distributed more than 2,000 children’s books a month since 2014 with the help of its community partners, and is committed to raising the next generation of readers and leaders in our community.
So please stop by the shop and work on that gift checklist while supporting a good cause!

Detroit Mercy's ’s William Beaumont Society Class of 2026 is organizing a KONGsgiving food drive in support of !
KONGsgiving is Bark Nation's biggest (and probably favorite) shelter enrichment initiative. This is their 11th year stuffing KONGs with Thanksgiving dinner and delivering them to dogs in shelters all over the states of Michigan and Ohio, along with goodie bags for shelter staff.
Please consider donating items for our furry friends in need! Items will be collected from Nov. 4-25. A collection bin will be stationed in the Health Professions Facility in the Sr. Maureen Fay lounge.
The following items are needed: Chicken broth, instant mashed potatoes, canned pumpkin, peanut butter, dish soap.
Bark Nation is an animal welfare organization in the metro Detroit area focused on rescuing dogs from situations such as dogfighting and other forms of cruelty and housing them in a force-free, enrichment-centered environment. Bark Nation also supports law enforcement agencies in their investigations of animal cruelty and neglect. Their mission is to end canine cruelty and save lives.Holiday gift volunteer shift opportunity - COMPLETED

Help Titans Equity Nourish Network (TENN) make gifts for our neighbors and supporters while earning service hours! Volunteers will help TENN sign holiday cards, make a holiday craft and put together gift bags for our community. This service hours opportunity will take place on Thursday, Dec. 5 from 12:45-2 p.m. Location to be determined.