Information for Incoming Freshmen
Congratulations on your decision to achieve great things at Detroit Mercy!
Here are step-by-step instructions to receive your customized financial aid package. And of course if you have questions at any time, feel free to contact the Scholarship and Financial Aid Office at 313-993-3350. It’s our job to make this process work for you.
1. Fill out your FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)
First things first! Freshmen and their parents should complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). This can be done online, and the sooner you do this after October 1, the better. We’re happy to walk you and your parents through it.
Federal Student Aid Identification Number (FSAid)
Before beginning the FAFSA, you should apply for a . The FSA ID will allow you to sign your FAFSA electronically and to correct your processed FAFSA information online. Because you are providing parent information on the FAFSA, one or both of your parents must also sign your application. To sign electronically, your parent must also apply for his or her own FSA ID. Each FSA ID applicant will need to provide personal information such as social security number and date of birth.
The United States Department of Education manages the FAFSA process. It is their request that the FAFSA be completed on the web at If you prefer to complete a paper application, you can call 1-800-433-3243. However, please keep in mind that the paper application takes a minimum of six (6) weeks to be processed before it will even be sent to 海角大神.
First School Choice: 002323 (Detroit Mercy School Code)
After you have completed the FAFSA, you will receive a FAFSA Submission Summary via email from the United States Department of Education with instructions on how to view it. If you did not provide an email address, you will receive this document in the mail.
We strongly recommend that all students complete the FAFSA. Although they may not qualify for federal grants, they may qualify for state grants.
2. Net Price Calculator
3. Learn about Michigan resident-exclusive grants and scholarships
The State of Michigan has a few scholarships and grants available for students who attend 海角大神 and who are also Michigan residents. Below is some basic information regarding this aid but for more information, please refer to the website.
Financial need is assessed using calculations provided to 海角大神 from the State.
Michigan Achievement Scholarship
Students who graduate from high school in Michigan with a diploma or certificate of completion or achieved a high school equivalency certificate in 2023 or after may be eligible for the Michigan Achievement Scholarship.
To be eligible for the Michigan Achievement Scholarship students must: complete a FAFSA, Be a Michigan resident since July 1 of the previous calendar year, graduate from a high school in Michigan with a diploma or a certificate of completion or achieved a high school equivalency certificate in 2023 or after, enroll full-time, enroll at an eligible institution within 15 months of your high school graduation or equivalency, demonstrate financial need as determined by the State.
Maximum award amount is $5,500 annually.
Tuition Incentive Program
The Tuition Incentive Program (TIP) encourages eligible Medicaid recipients to complete high school by providing tuition assistance during an eligible student’s qualifying certificate or associate degree program and also during the student’s bachelor’s degree program.
At 海角大神, students are only eligible for TIP after they have successfully completed a minimum of 56 credits (including any transfer credits) and meet the following requirements:
- Student must have (or have had) Medicaid coverage for 24 months within a 36 month period between the ages of nine and high school graduation.
- Applicants must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid ().
- Obtain a high school diploma or its recognized equivalent prior to age 20.
- Students who attend a state-approved Early/Middle College have until age 21 to complete high school or its recognized equivalent.
- Begin using TIP at a participating institution within four years of high school completion.
- Be a Michigan resident as determined by institutional criteria.
- Be a U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or approved refugee.
- Not be in default on a Federal student loan.
- Be enrolled at least half-time.
- For renewal, must meet institution’s Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy.
4. Grants, Scholarships and Sources of Financial Aid
5. Access your Financial Aid and understand the terminology
The Financial Aid My Portal award contains a list of the financial aid sources that you qualify for based on the information submitted on the FAFSA. This aid is outlined to demonstrate how students may qualify to cover the cost of a Detroit Mercy education. Access your Financial Aid Award in .
Scholarships & Grants - these funds are free and do not have to be paid back.
Loans - these funds must be paid back.
Federal Work-study - these funds are linked to employment. Students who qualify, may work on campus, or at select off campus locations in between classes and earn work-study funds. The earnings are not automatically applied toward the student's outstanding charges. However, students can work to earn these funds and apply them toward their bill and may elect to have a payroll deduction directly to their account.
Cost of Attendance - not necessarily the amount you will have to pay to attend Detroit Mercy, but an estimate of possible expenses. Actual costs will vary by student.
Student Aid Index - Your Student Aid Index (SAI) is a formula-based index number ranging from –1500 to 999999. Where your SAI falls within the SAI range helps your school determine how much financial support you may need. A negative SAI indicates you have a higher financial need. For example, if you have an SAI of –1500, you’ll qualify for a maximum Pell Grant award assuming you have not exhausted your lifetime amounts and meet all student eligibility requirements.
Initial Need - Cost of Attendance minus Student Aid Index equal the Initial Need.
Outside Resources - funds received from outside sources to help pay educational expenses. These are funds not processed by financial aid, but payments negotiated through the Student Accounting Office. Typically, these represent payments from employers, tuition payment plans, etc.
Need - Cost of Attendance minus Student Aid Index, minus Outside Resources equal Need.
Status - the student classification that this aid level applies to
Fall - September through December aid to help pay Fall costs
Winter - January through April aid to help pay Winter costs
Summer - May through August aid to help pay Summer costs
Total - total amount of aid to help pay Fall, Winter and/or Summer costs
First Five (5) Steps
Below you will find the first five (5) steps to paying for your Detroit Mercy education.
- Review the Cost of Attendance and determine your cost for the year. Please plan ahead for books and supplies. Detroit Mercy does not issue book vouchers.
- Review your My Portal financial aid award which is accessible from your account. It outlines the financial aid funds that you qualify for, based on the FAFSA. These funds are to help you pay your cost.
- Review the Detroit Mercy Financing Options which summarizes the different loan programs found on the My Portal financial aid award. It also summarizes our interest-free payment plan option.
- Determine if you have any out-of-pocket costs.
- Now that you have determined the financial aid sources that you would like to use, please select "accept" or "decline" button for each source listed on your Award Screen. You also have the opportunity to select an amount less than the total offered.
6. What Happens Next
Now that you have received your award, further steps may be required. These steps may or may not apply to you and your family. These steps are only required if the student is planning to borrow their Direct Stafford loan(s) and/or the parent is planning to borrow the Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS) for the academic year.
Federal Direct Student Loans
Once you have accepted a Direct student loan, you must complete the following two (2) loan requirements before the loan funds will post to your account. Please note that loans do not disburse towards your balance until ten das before the start of a semester.
- After July 1, the student should complete online .
- After July 1, we will process your loan request. You will be required to complete an online (MPN).
Parent Loans Undergraduate Students (PLUS Loans)
If a parent chooses to accept the Parent PLUS loan, one parent must complete the following two (2) loan requirements before the loan funds will post to your account.
- After July 1, the parent should complete online .
- After July 1, we will process your parent PLUS loan request. You will be required to complete an on line (MPN).
7. Freshmen Orientation
The Financial Aid Office is available to meet with parents of freshmen students individually at freshmen orientation to personally answer financial aid questions and to review cost with families.
Please be sure to sign up to attend Freshmen orientation if you have not already done so. To schedule your reservation, please contact the Admissions Office today at 800-635-5020 or 313-993-1245.