Janet Joiner


Associate Professor of Social Work

Janet Joiner
Contact Info:
Campus: McNichols Campus
Building: Briggs
Room: 313
Phone: 313-993-1038
Janet Joiner
Areas of Expertise:
Self-care and energy-based wellness
Digital education and ethics
Social work student recruitment and persistence to degree completion


  • Ph.D., Wayne State University
  • M.S.W., Western Michigan University
  • B.A., Western Michigan University


Janet M. Joiner is associate professor in the Department of Social Work; she served as Chair of the Department 2016-2024. She teaches Social Welfare & Social Justice, Social Welfare Policy, Human Behavior, Social Work Ethics & Digital Advocacy, and Self-Care & Spirituality.

A licensed social worker with more than 35 years’ experience in higher education, Joiner has an interest in energy wellness practices, including Qigong/Tai Chi. She is a certified Qigong Practice Group Leader, certified Tai Chi Easy (TM) Practice Leader, and is also double certified in Sound and Vibrational Practices. Joiner delivers social work continuing education training for social welfare organizations and others focused on health and wellness.

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer appointed Joiner to serve on the Michigan Board of Social Work for a four-year term effective Jan. 1, 2020. The board sets policy, protects public health and welfare and oversees cases involving ethical violations and appeals related to licensed social workers.

Joiner holds membership with the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) and the Michigan Association of Baccalaureate Social Work Educators (MABSWE). She is also a member of the Program and Administrative Operations Committee for The Children’s Center of Detroit where she has served since 2018. She joined the University in 2016.

Scholarly Publications (most recent):

Joiner, J. & Keys, F. (2022). Why they stayed: Factors that influenced BSW student persistence. Journal of Student Success & 
           study, Social Work Education, 1-20, doi: 10.1080/02615479.2021.1973990 
Joiner, J. & Patterson, D. (2019). VoiceThread as a tool in online BSW education, Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 39 
          (04-05), 440 - 454, doi:10.1080/08841233.2019.1649787
Joiner, J. (2018). Cyber social work: Is the profession ready? Professional Development: The International Journal of
         Continuing Social Work Education, (21)1, 41-51.
Joiner, J. (2018). Exploring myths: Cyberbullying of college faculty. Journal of Education & Social Policy, (5)4, 197-206.

Conference Presentations (most recent):

Joiner, J. (2023, May 5). Psychedelic Renaissance, Energy Healing, and Pain Management, National Association of Social Workers-Michigan, 2023 Annual Conference Featured Presentation in the Futures Track, Kalamazoo, MI
Joiner, J. & Davis, N. (2023, October 27). Creating an Accelerated BSW Degree Option for Transfer Students and Adult Learners, Council on Social Work Education Conference Paper Presentation, Atlanta, GA
Joiner, J. (2022, January 2 - 5). Competition to Enroll BSW Students, Conference Paper Presentation at the 21st Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, Kona, Hawaii
Joiner, J.M. (2019, July 23), Cyber Social Work Research Study 90-minute live oral presentation. International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health Annual Conference, University of York, York, England, United Kingdom