Service Opportunities
Finding Opportunities to Serve in the Community
Here are some options for finding places you can serve according to your gifts and needs.
Try the list of opportunities that the Institute has identified for you. First click on the type of Service Opportunities you are looking for below. The opportunities are with agencies who are familiar with Detroit Mercy and the Institute.
海角大神 students, faculty, and colleagues are encouraged to follow up with our contact listed for an agency. Please report updates to TheInstitute@udmercy.edu.
Select one or more
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4-H Wayne County
Wayne County Mentoring Program: Ages 10-17
Contact: Osley, AmeriCorps Member
313 833 3605
Mentoring youth between the ages of 10 and 17. Commit 2 hours/week for one year. An orientation is required.
6th floor 640 Temple Street
Detroit, MI, 48201
4-H Wayne County
Wayne County Mentoring Program: Ages 10-17
Contact: Osley, AmeriCorps Member
313 833 3605
Special 4-H Activities
Assist with outings or workshops. Call for options. An orientation is required.
6th floor 640 Temple Street
Detroit, MI, 48201
826 Michigan
Contact: Ms. Christina Chang, Student Engagement Impact
313 818 0255
Interactive Events with Kid
Fun interactive events with kids. See event calendar for specific events: https://www.826michigan.org/get-involved/volunteer/job-calendar/ including writing, wee-bots, carpentry 鈥 Some training required. Tuesday and Thursday after school tutoring from 4 - 6 pm in Detroit is available during the school year. Orientation and training are required in two separate sessions. A student interested in service needs to: 1. apply on 826 Michigan website. 2. Applicant will be contacted by 826 Michigan with instructions to sign up for an information session. 3. After attendance at an info session, volunteer must sign up for a "Fully Programmed Training". Use 826 Michigan sign up calendar
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Social Services and Advocacy for immigrants and low-income residents in Dearborn/Detroit
Contact: Merideth Steih, Volunteer Coordinator
Youth and Education Program
Assist with preschool, after-school or Adult Education programs.
2651 Saulino Ct
Dearborn, MI, 48120
Social Services and Advocacy for immigrants and low-income residents in Dearborn/Detroit
Contact: Merideth Steih, Volunteer Coordinator
Community Health Center
Work at the ACCESS Community Health Center - office work or shadowingz
2651 Saulino Ct
Dearborn, MI, 48120
Social Services and Advocacy for immigrants and low-income residents in Dearborn/Detroit
Contact: Merideth Steih, Volunteer Coordinator
Arab American National Museum
Assist at the Arab American National Museum - possible tasks include general supervision during public hours and giving tours.
2651 Saulino Ct
Dearborn, MI, 48120
Social Services and Advocacy for immigrants and low-income residents in Dearborn/Detroit
Contact: Merideth Steih, Volunteer Coordinator
Social Services Department
Work with the Social Services department - office work or shadowing social worker/counselor
2651 Saulino Ct
Dearborn, MI, 48120
Social Services and Advocacy for immigrants and low-income residents in Dearborn/Detroit
Contact: Merideth Steih, Volunteer Coordinator
Employment/Training Dept
Work with the Employment and Training Department. Shadowing, Clerical Work, etc鈥
2651 Saulino Ct
Dearborn, MI, 48120
Social Services and Advocacy for immigrants and low-income residents in Dearborn/Detroit
Contact: Merideth Steih, Volunteer Coordinator
Advocacy and Civic Engagement
National Network for Arab American Communities鈥 Advocacy & Civic Engagement (ACE) program works to collectively address key issues Arab American communities face, increase the civic participation of Arab Americans, and increase member organization鈥檚 capacity to engage in advocacy and civic engagement initiatives in their local communities. The ACE program focuses its efforts in four main areas: Immigrant rights, Civil liberties & human rights, Access to human services and Support for national service programs.
2651 Saulino Ct
Dearborn, MI, 48120
Center of LGBT activities and advocacy
Contact: Mark McMillan, Events and Sponsorship Manager
248-398-7105 x 224
Many opportunities to help with office work, youth programs, and the helpline. More information on the website under volunteer. Should attend volunteer meeting prior to service.
290 West 9 Mile Road
Ferndale, Mi, 48220
Alternatives for Girls
Homeless Shelter for young women ages 16-20. Prevention programs also offered.
Contact: Ms. Christine Ramsey, Volunteer Service Coordinator
313-361-4000 x248
Application must be completed along with submitting two references. Volunteer Orientation required. See website for details. https://alternativesforgirls.org/volunteer/
903 W. Grand Blvd.
Detroit, MI, 48208
Alternatives for Girls
Homeless Shelter for young women ages 16-20. Prevention programs also offered.
Contact: Ms. Christine Ramsey, Volunteer Service Coordinator
313-361-4000 x248
Family & Group
Monday through Thursday evenings are family and group programming that need assistance with child care, meal prep and service, etc.
903 W. Grand Blvd.
Detroit, MI, 48208
Alternatives for Girls
Homeless Shelter for young women ages 16-20. Prevention programs also offered.
Contact: Ms. Christine Ramsey, Volunteer Service Coordinator
313-361-4000 x248
Outreach Assistance
(females, age at least 21) Help outreach team in their van as they cover the streets encouraging and helping homelss youth to avoid risky behavior and enter a program.
Drug Test
Police Check
TB Test
903 W. Grand Blvd.
Detroit, MI, 48208
Alternatives for Girls
Homeless Shelter for young women ages 16-20. Prevention programs also offered.
Contact: Ms. Christine Ramsey, Volunteer Service Coordinator
313-361-4000 x248
Help on Facilities at Alternatives for Girls
Cleaning, painting, organizing storage, etc. while getting a sense of the services provided and the girls served.
903 W. Grand Blvd.
Detroit, MI, 48208
Alternatives for Girls
Homeless Shelter for young women ages 16-20. Prevention programs also offered.
Contact: Jenny Clement, Volunteering Services Manager
313-361-4000 x248
Mentor & Interacting with the Community
By volunteering, you can mentor, assist with afterschool activities, work as a front desk greeter, tutor, or do crafts and readings with children. Hours vary for each.
903 W. Grand Blvd.
Detroit, MI, 48208
Alzheimer's Association
Support and Outreach for Alzheimer's Disease
Contact: Ilene Orlanski, Volunteer Manager
Day Care Helper for Alzheimer's guests
Help staffers working with day guests who have Alzheimer's. Day Care Center is open M-F 8:30 - 5.
TB Test
20300 Civic Center Drive #100
Southfield, MI, 48076
American Indian Health & Family Services
Social Services, Health Care and Educational Programs for Native American Families
Contact: John Peterson, Volunteer Coordinator
Youth Group Work
During Covid Pandemic, Youth Program is virtual. Volunteers needed. Work with youth program ages 5-17. Weekly meetings, activities possible field trips. Meetings are Mon 5-7pm and Tues 5-7pm. 15 hour minimum commitment. (They can also create other types of opportunities that meet student learning objectives and AIHFS needs.) Contact Nickole Fox nfox@aihfs.org
4880 Lawndale
Detroit, MI, 48210
American Indian Health & Family Services
Social Services, Health Care and Educational Programs for Native American Families
Contact: John Peterson, Volunteer Coordinator
Office Work
In need of Finance or Business students to work in the office. Office hours are M-F 9am-5pm.
4880 Lawndale
Detroit, MI, 48210
Angel Place
Group homes and support for adults with developmental disabilities.
Contact: Jessica Brasington, Volunteer Coordinator
Enrichment activities
Participate in activities with residents, mostly one-on-one, helping with board games, puzzles, walks, and other activities in a classroom type environment with much individual interaction. Enrichment Day Program, Mon 9:30-1:45, Tues 10:30-12:30 Wed 9:30-2:00 Thur 12:30-2:00. jessica,brasington@angelsplace.com or call 248 350 2203
Police Check
TB Test
DHS Clearance
29299 Franklin Rd.
Southfield, MI, 48034
Arts & Scraps
Recycling industrial scraps into creative materials/art education.
Contact: Ms. Tori Sullivan-Cortez, Programs Manager
In Store Help
Individuals and groups to 5: Sort donations from individuals; Organize materials; stock shelves; Help develop bulletin boards and make project examples; Develop and complete special projects.
16135 Harper Ave
Detroit, MI,
Arts & Scraps
Recycling industrial scraps into creative materials/art education.
Contact: Ms. Tori Sullivan-Cortez, Programs Manager
At home projects with students
Work with individual student or with a class.
16135 Harper Ave
Detroit, MI,
Arts & Scraps
Recycling industrial scraps into creative materials/art education.
Contact: Jeff Houghton, Warehouse Manager
313 640 9050
Special Skills/Interests
Interests or special skills in education, marketing, finance, business, IT, social networking, PR, HR and more. Individau and Group projects available. Maximum group size is 8. Can assist with a class or with at home projects.
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Arts & Scraps
Recycling industrial scraps into creative materials/art education.
Contact: Jeff Houghton, Warehouse Manager
313 640 9050
Warehouse Help
Warehouse Help - Pack kits and/or prepare materials, an hour or a day. Thursday is open volunteer day from 10am - 2pm or come as a group of up to 8 volunteers by appointment Mon-Sat.
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Arts & Scraps
Recycling industrial scraps into creative materials/art education.
Contact: Adrian,
Special Events
Help staff work with kids on an activity at a community event. View dates and register online at https://www.artsandscraps.org/volunteer.
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Auntie Na's Village
Auntie Na's Village reaches out to all those who fall through the cracks of our broken system. Aunti Na requests that volunteers be vacinnated. If not vacinnated must wear masks. Those who are vacinnated are encouraged to wear masks.
Contact: Ms. Auntie Na, Volunteer Contact
313 808 8940
Help with Gardens, Tutoring, etc
Lots of projects going on at this exciting project. They are expanding the garden, creating a running track, tutoring kids. They need help with all of these M-F 9am-6:30pm, Sat 12noon-6:30pm
12028 Yellowstone St
Detroit, MI, 48204
Auntie Na's Village
Auntie Na's Village reaches out to all those who fall through the cracks of our broken system. Aunti Na requests that volunteers be vacinnated. If not vacinnated must wear masks. Those who are vacinnated are encouraged to wear masks.
Contact: Ms. Auntie Na, Volunteer Contact
313 808 8940
Food Delivery "Pop & Drop it"
On Saturdays the "Pop & Drop It" program distributes food boxes, personal hygiene items for women, men and children.
12028 Yellowstone St
Detroit, MI, 48204
Bandhu Gardens
Contact: Ms. Emily Staugaites, Volunteer Business Activities
207 233 0788
Garden Construction
Assistance with planning gardens, planting them and their upkeep.
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Boys & Girls Club of S.E. MI - HighlandPark Center
Youth Development Organization
Contact: Ms. Jeanette Kwiatkowski, Club Director
Homework Help Time
Provide one-on-one help with homework: Tuesdays - Fridays 4:00pm - 6:00pm. Children ages 6 - 18. Volunteers will have to complete a background check. Best time to call is 3pm-8pm.
24 Ferris St.
Highland Park, Mi, 48203
Boys & Girls Club of S.E. MI - HighlandPark Center
Youth Development Organization
Contact: Ms. Jeanette Kwiatkowski, Club Director
Basketball Coach/Referees
Be a basketball coach on weekdays Tuesdays-Fridays from 6:00pm-7:30 pm. Children ages 6 - 18. Volunteers will have to complete a background check. Basic knowledge of basketball rules is all that is needed to coach/referee a game
24 Ferris St.
Highland Park, Mi, 48203
Boys & Girls Club of S.E. MI - Martin St
Youth Development Organization
Contact: Ti Dougan, Program Director
Working with kids
Need tutors and activity group leaders. Groups welcome. Open Monday through Friday from 3:00 -7:30 pm during the school year. Saturday possible too. Operates in Munger School.
Drug Test
Police Check
5525 Martin Street
Detroit, MI,
Bridging Communities
Meeting the needs of the elderly/homebound in Southwest Detroit neighborhoods (District 6).
Contact: , Volunteer Coordinator
Food Delivery to Elderly
3rd Friday and Saturday mornings. Deliver food to senior citizens in their homes in Southwest Detroit. You must have your own car.
6900 McGraw
Detroit, MI, 48210
Bridging Communities
Meeting the needs of the elderly/homebound in Southwest Detroit neighborhoods (District 6).
Contact: , Volunteer Coordinator
Holiday Treats for the Elderly
- Sweetest Day in October or Valentines Day - prepare and deliver sweet treats to the elderly in the neighborhood. - Deliver fresh fruit and veggies the week of Thanksgiving. - Deliver poinsettias the week before Christmas.
6900 McGraw
Detroit, MI, 48210
Bridging Communities
Meeting the needs of the elderly/homebound in Southwest Detroit neighborhoods (District 6).
Contact: , Volunteer Coordinator
Assist the Elderly
M-F between 9 and 3, drive and accompany elderly to doctor visits. Time driving and waiting provides opportunity for conversation as well as observation and support. Must be 25 or older. Also, assist seniors with yardwork, small projects, or activities around their homes or apartments.
6900 McGraw
Detroit, MI, 48210
Bridging Communities
Meeting the needs of the elderly/homebound in Southwest Detroit neighborhoods (District 6).
Contact: , Volunteer Coordinator
Grounds Maintenance
Help maintain the grounds around the community center, Dingeman Park, and senior centers.
6900 McGraw
Detroit, MI, 48210
Brilliant Detroit
Brilliant Detroit operates out of homes in neighborhoods where they work together with residents to make sure that every child in the neighborhood succeeds.
Contact: Aryeh Perlman, Volunteer Manager
734 846 2196
Tutoring grades K-3 at Fitzgerald House
Fitzgerald Home at 16919 Prairie Street -just four blocks west of Livernois from the McNichols Campus. One on one tutoring with kids grade K-3 includes reading, homework and literacy games. Tues & Thurs 4:30-6:30 . Background check required. Brilliant Det. Will cover the charge
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Homeless Shelter with an array of services that enable people to achieve self-sufficiency.
Contact: Rachel Minion, Volunteer Coordinator
313 806 0904
Serve a Meal
Groups or individuals: 7 days a week, meals are served at 7:30 am and 6 pm. (Lunch is served at 11:30am if someone has sponsored the meal for $150.) Call to sign up for meals and be sure to ask about parking. Come at least 30 minutes before meal. Set up, serve, clean up. 1.5 - 2 hours per meal.
26 Peterboro
Detroit, MI, 48201
Capuchin Services Center
Located near I-94 and Mt. Elliott, Center distributes food and clothing to those in need in a shopper friendly manner.
Contact: Candice Wroblewski, Volunteer Coordinator
313 579-2100 x 206
Food Pantry and Clothing Closet
Restock food pantry shelves, sort/bag vegetables. Sort/organize hanging clothing in the distribution area. Shifts are M- Thurs. 9am-12pm & 12-3pm; Fri. 9am-12pm. Some time slots are flexible. Saturdays are full in 2019.
6333 Medbury
Detroit, MI, 48211
Capuchin Soup Kitchen Conner
Soup Kitchen, job-training program and youth program
Contact: Juanitis McGhee,
313-822-8606 ext 4215
Tutor/Art Projects
Students to help WEEKLY with youth 6-16 in after-school programs 3:45 - 4:45 tutoring, 4:00-6:00 art projects. Groups may share the weekly slot. Volunteers must assist regularly - no less than for a complete public school semester duration.
4390 Conner
Detroit, MI,
Capuchin Soup Kitchen Conner
Soup Kitchen, job-training program and youth program
Contact: Juanitis McGhee,
313-822-8606 ext 4215
Prepare and Serve a Meal
M-F three shifts: breakfast 8-10am, lunch 10:30am-1pm, dinner 3:30-6pm. Saturday shifts: breakfast 8-10am & lunch 10:30am-1pm. 8 volunteers needed per shift for serving,meal prep, and clean up.
4390 Conner
Detroit, MI,
Capuchin Soup Kitchen Conner
Soup Kitchen, job-training program and youth program
Contact: Juanitis McGhee,
313-822-8606 ext 4215
Sort Donations
Sort clothing or food at the Capuchin Service Center.
4390 Conner
Detroit, MI,
Capuchin Soup Kitchen Conner
Soup Kitchen, job-training program and youth program
Contact: Parina Davis-Usher, Art Therapy Coordinator
313-822-8606 x 222
Rosa Parks Children's Program
Volunteers are needed weekly to act as counselors, mentors, and tutors for youth ages 6-15 in art therapy and creativity classes after school. Hours vary. Minimum one semester commitment. Background check required. Summer youth attend Peace & Leadership Camp programming.
4390 Conner
Detroit, ,
Capuchin Soup Kitchen Meldrum
Soup Kitchen and Shower Program
Contact: Rita Johnson, Volunteer Coordinator
313-579-2100 x2213
Serve a Soup Kitchen Meal
M-F two shifts; breakfast 8-10am and lunch 10:30am-1pm. The kitchen is closed on Saturday and Sunday. Serve the meals on the serving line (main task), help keep the dining room clean, and help kitchen staff. 6-8 volunteers maximum per shift.
1264 Meldrum St.
Detroit,, MI, 48207
Care House of Oakland County
Achildren鈥檚 advocacy center, providing first rate services to victims of child abuse and neglect.
Contact: Claire Bair, Volunteer Coordinator
248.332.7173 ext.听311
Front Desk Greeter
A volunteer that is the welcoming presence for children and families as they come to CARE House. They also assist with special projects at the front desk.
Police Check
44765 Woodward Avenue
Pontiac, MI, 48341-5021
Care House of Oakland County
Achildren鈥檚 advocacy center, providing first rate services to victims of child abuse and neglect.
Contact: Claire Bair, Volunteer Coordinator
248.332.7173 ext.听311
Evening Program Helper
This is a weekly evening program for parents/guardians and children ages 5-11.Volunteers assist the program's facilitator by supervising these children and completing planned activities with them.
Police Check
44765 Woodward Avenue
Pontiac, MI, 48341-5021
Care House of Oakland County
Achildren鈥檚 advocacy center, providing first rate services to victims of child abuse and neglect.
Contact: Claire Bair, Volunteer Coordinator
248.332.7173 ext.听311
Medical Assistant
A health care trained volunteer who cares for the child and assists the physician during a medical evaluation when a child visits our medical clinic.
Police Check
44765 Woodward Avenue
Pontiac, MI, 48341-5021
Care House of Oakland County
Achildren鈥檚 advocacy center, providing first rate services to victims of child abuse and neglect.
Contact: Claire Bair, Volunteer Coordinator
248.332.7173 ext.听311
Development/Special Events
Volunteers are needed to assist in preparing invitations, information packets, or other mailers and to participate in the events with activities, such as helping with registration or setting up for the event.
Police Check
44765 Woodward Avenue
Pontiac, MI, 48341-5021
Cathedral Church of Saint Paul
Sunday morning breakfast program and New Year's Day breakfast.
Contact: Ms. Dawn McDuffie, Program coordinator
The Breakfast Ministry
Help prepare and serve breakfast to those in need (often homeless). Help is needed from 8:00 am-11:00 am on Sunday morning.
4800 Woodward Ave.
Detroit, MI, 48202
Center for Works of Mercy
This center is home to a number of services from food assistance, to medical/dental, clothing assistance and case management. They mostly need help with packing food and providing clothing.
Contact: Volunteer Coordinator, Volunteer Coordinator
(313) 335- 3261 - Ext 1
Mercy Clothing Closet & Food Kit Prep
Help needed during work hours Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm with sorting clothing and preparing food kits for seniors
8642 Woodward Ave.
Detroit, MI, 48202
Charles H. Wright Museum
African American History Museum
Contact: Ms. Sheneese Johnson, Volunteer Coordinator
Actors Needed for Children's Discovery Room
Prepare and facilitate workshops, and engage with preK-3 students through a scripted performance connected with exhibits. Must be an actor to do this task. Significant commitment required (2-3 times per week for at least one semester.)
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Charles H. Wright Museum
African American History Museum
Contact: Ms. Sheneese Johnson, Volunteer Coordinator
Tour Guides (significant commitment)
Volunteers with knowledge of African American History are needed as tour guides. Significant commitment required (2-3 times per week for at least one semester.)
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Charles H. Wright Museum
African American History Museum
Contact: Ms. Sheneese Johnson, Volunteer Coordinator
Special Events
The museum always needs help with Martin Luther King Day, Grandparents Day, children's programs, book fair
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Charles H. Wright Museum
African American History Museum
Contact: Ms. Sheneese Johnson, Volunteer Coordinator
Family Activities Series
Service Opp Description: Work with families on various arts and craft activities at the Museum every 2nd and 3rd Saturday from 12pm - 3pm. Volunteers will work with Museum Staff to setup and deliver activities, assist families with arts and crafts, hand out information and assist with cleanup after the event.
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Children Hospital Smoke Alarms
Program to install smoke alarms in Detroit area homes.
Contact: Roberta Davis, Program Coordinator
313 618 6773
Smoke Alarm Installation Program
Help out with the Kohls TRIP Program installing fire alarms and participating in fire education to qualified families, batteries will be replaced when needed.
3901 Beaubien
Detroit, Mi, 48201
Downriver and Western Wayne churches host the homeless for a week at a time (Oct-May). Also a daytime center for the homeless.
Contact: Billie Arndt, Director
Daytime Center
Various opportunities at the Daytime Center serving downriver homeless. (M-F, 8am-4pm). The volunteer coordinator can help you identify volunteer dates that fit your schedule as well as duties that you will be pleased and comfortable to undertake.
Police Check
24158 Goddard Rd.
Taylor, MI, 48180
Downriver and Western Wayne churches host the homeless for a week at a time (Oct-May). Also a daytime center for the homeless.
Contact: Billie Arndt, Director
Rotating Emergency Shelter
Help is needed nightly at the intake center with registering and welcoming guests. Other jobs: night chaperone, cook, equipment mover, laundry person, barber/hair stylist, entertainer, and drivers for the ChristNet Van. The volunteer coordinator can help you identify volunteer dates that fit your schedule as well as duties that you are qualified for and will be pleased and comfortable to undertake.
24158 Goddard Rd.
Taylor, MI, 48180
Colombiere Center
Colombiere Center serves as a nursing care facility for elderly Jesuit priests and brothers.
Contact: Janet Sennett, Director of Nursing
248 620 2535
Care for elderly or infirm Jesuit patients
Rotate through memory unit, therapy, nursing care and activities areas to see the practice of person-centered care with elderly/infirm Jesuit patients; up to four students at a time. Tu-Wed-Thur, 6am-6pm - call during those times too.
9075 Big Lake Road, Clarkston, MI 48346
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Cornerstone Schools
ISACS accredited, K-12, Christ-centered school on Detroit's Eastside
Contact: Ms. Monica Thompson, Principal Jefferson Douglas Academy
313-892-1860 ext261
Partner Program
Mentorship opporunity. Minimum commitment of 4 days per year/2hours each
6861 Nevada St
Detroit, MI, 48234
Covenant House Michigan
Shelter and support for homeless, runaway and at-risk youth ages 13-22.
Contact: Ms. Danielle Dunn, Volunteer Coordinator
Behind the Scenes
- Assist with organizing and inventorying of donations (18+) - Organizing and assisting with the Clothing Closet (18+) - Clerical assistance (21+) - Landscaping and gardening (summer, 18+) http://www.covenanthousemi.org/wanna-help/volunteer
2959 Martin Luther King Blvd
Detroit, MI, 48208-
Cristo Rey High School
Catholic, co-ed, college prep high school for under-priviledged teens.
Contact: Susan Rowe, Principal
313-843-2747 ext220
Tutor High School Students
Tutor students in Math, Science and English during the school day 7:30am-4pm Background check, drug screening and child protection training required.
Police Check
5679 West Vernor Highway
Detroit, MI, 48209
Demographic Inspiration
Assist with creating environmental beauty in the City of Detroit. Volunteers work outside and are expected to follow general Covid protocols defined by the state. Encouraged to wear mask.
Contact: Ronald Matten, Founder
586 260 7409
Turning Blight into Beauty
Volunteers needed to build, clean up and weed in the eight block stretch
15368 Fairfield St.
Detroit, MI, 48238
Detroit Black Community Food Security Network
Promotes urban agriculture, co-operative food buying and healthy eating habits.
Contact: Mr. Malik Yakini, Executive Director
Urban Farming
Volunteer at D-Town Farm! Every Saturday and Sunday from 8am to noon at the farm Spring-Fall. Sign up on line: https://www.d-townfarm.com/ Work clothes, work boots, gloves, brimmed hat, water, bug repellent, and a great attitude are strongly encouraged! Other volunteer times available for groups. 2021 Volunteer website: http://dbcfsnseedshare.org/?mc_cid=cfa3441893&mc_eid=9039d1d8bc
11000 West McNichols Road - Suite 103
Detroit, MI, 48221
Detroit Black Community Food Security Network
Promotes urban agriculture, co-operative food buying and healthy eating habits.
Contact: Mr. Malik Yakini, Executive Director
Office Support
Help with behind the scenes work in the office
11000 West McNichols Road - Suite 103
Detroit, MI, 48221
Detroit Mercy Student Conversation Partners
Contact: Lara Wasner, Director
Director, Language and Cultural Training
Detroit Mercy Student Conversation Partners
International and US students come together to make friends and to learn about one another's cultures. This can help the international students feel welcomed and in some cases help them practice speaking English.
4001 W. Mc Nichols Rd.
Detroit, MI, 48221
Detroit Phoenix Center
A shelter providing drop in services to teens and young adults (ages 13-24), who are at risk of or currently experiencing homelessness in the city of Detroit. Provides food clothing, rest and other services on a daily basis.
Contact: Ms. Cella Bluth-Rosenberg, Outreach & Engagement Coordinator
646 385 6620
Special Events
Help with events and sorting donations from events. Sign up using link below: https://www.detroitphoenixcenter.org/volunteer
1420 Washington Blvd, Ste. 301
Detroit, MI, 48202
Detroit Phoenix Center
A shelter providing drop in services to teens and young adults (ages 13-24), who are at risk of or currently experiencing homelessness in the city of Detroit. Provides food clothing, rest and other services on a daily basis.
Contact: Ms. Cella Bluth-Rosenberg, Outreach & Engagement Coordinator
646 385 6620
Meal preparation
Meal preparation and serving for at risk teens and young adults. 7pm-11pm daily. Sign up: https://www.mealtrain.com/trains/gq027e Sign up using links below: https://forms.gle/AfX8bkvTC1wWXgF87 https://forms.gle/pUW6Cu9Hd3wwHCcX7
1420 Washington Blvd, Ste. 301
Detroit, MI, 48202
Detroit Prevention and Awareness in the Community
Student-run organization at the 海角大神 to develop awareness around issues of sexual violence and harassment and domestic violence.
Contact: Ms. Nina Carlson, President
Sexual Assault Awareness Programs
Volunteers needed for various events that seek to raise awareness about sexual assault and domestic violence
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Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries
Provides nightly shelter, food, medical services, crisis counseling, referrals and spiritual nourishment.
Contact: Ms. Kisha Woods, Volunteer Coordinator
313-993-4700 ext 3930
Soup Kitchen
DRMM has several soup kitchens in Detroit and Highland Park. They take up to 10 volunteers at a time any day of the week for either lunch (11:30-1) or dinner (4:30-6:00 p.m). http://drmm.org/volunteer-application/ Note: A group of students had an unpleasant experience at the 鈥淐hristian Guidance Center鈥 鈥 Mixed results at Genesis 3 house - Best to request a specific DRMM soup kitchen.
150 Stimson
Detroit, MI, 4 8201
Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries
Provides nightly shelter, food, medical services, crisis counseling, referrals and spiritual nourishment.
Contact: Ms. Kisha Woods, Volunteer Coordinator
313-993-4700 ext 3930
Cleaning, Painting or Remodeling
Help clean, paint, or remodel some of the shelter rooms. Must usually bring your own supplies to complete the work. http://drmm.org/volunteer-application/
150 Stimson
Detroit, MI, 4 8201
Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries
Provides nightly shelter, food, medical services, crisis counseling, referrals and spiritual nourishment.
Contact: Ms. Kisha Woods, Volunteer Coordinator
313-993-4700 ext 3930
Tutor adults (during the day or in the evening) or children (after school). Once a week commitment for at least one month. Call to schedule a specific day and time. A group could share the responsibility. http://drmm.org/volunteer-application/
150 Stimson
Detroit, MI, 4 8201
Detroit Swims
Contact: Liza Billotti, Regional Director of Aquatics
248 808 7153
Youth Water Safety
assist instructor teaching children water safety and how to swim. Be role model for youth. Volunteer will be in the pool with the children. Days of week and times vary during terms. Youth have 8 one hour lessons, one day per week. Offered at various locations. Students assist in serving a prepared meal at end of class.
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Detroit Veterans Center
Homeless Veterans Shelter, Transitional Housing and Social Services
Contact: Ms Dabaja, Director
Serve meals
prepare and serve meals Mon, Thur, Fri. On Sat and Sun, no more than 2 students
2770 Park
Detroit, , 48201
Detroit Veterans Center
Homeless Veterans Shelter, Transitional Housing and Social Services
Contact: Ms Dabaja, Director
Interact with the Residents
Interact with the residents - play cards or board games, have a conversation, etc鈥
2770 Park
Detroit, , 48201
Dollars for Scholars
Dollars for Scholars helps students prepare for college life by helping them become financially literate.
Contact: Ms. Casey Rehm, Secretary
Help chaperone certain events
Police Check
100 Renaissance Center PO Box 43105
Detroit, MI, 48243
Dollars for Scholars
Dollars for Scholars helps students prepare for college life by helping them become financially literate.
Contact: Ms. Casey Rehm, Secretary
Help advocate education by mentoring a young person
100 Renaissance Center PO Box 43105
Detroit, MI, 48243
Dollars for Scholars
Dollars for Scholars helps students prepare for college life by helping them become financially literate.
Contact: Ms. Casey Rehm, Secretary
Attend certain events and take pictures for the agency's newsletter
100 Renaissance Center PO Box 43105
Detroit, MI, 48243
Dollars for Scholars
Dollars for Scholars helps students prepare for college life by helping them become financially literate.
Contact: Ms. Casey Rehm, Secretary
Creative writers who would be interested in creating the agency's newsletter
100 Renaissance Center PO Box 43105
Detroit, MI, 48243
Dollars for Scholars
Dollars for Scholars helps students prepare for college life by helping them become financially literate.
Contact: Ms. Casey Rehm, Secretary
Change for Change campaigners
Students will have jugs and ask local businesses to "house" a jug where people can throw their spare change in.
100 Renaissance Center PO Box 43105
Detroit, MI, 48243
Dollars for Scholars
Dollars for Scholars helps students prepare for college life by helping them become financially literate.
Contact: Ms. Casey Rehm, Secretary
Financial Literacy Presentors
Math and finance classes will prepare and present a presentation to help inform students about financial literacy
100 Renaissance Center PO Box 43105
Detroit, MI, 48243
Dominican Literacy Center
One-to-one tutoring in reading, writing, math, computers and GED prep for adult learners.
Contact: Ms. Kimbley Williams, Director & Volunteer Coordinator
Tutor Adult Learners
One on one adult tutoring in prep for GED. Either on line or in person. Tutors needed for reading, math, English as Second language
11148 Harper Ave.
Detroit, Mi, 48213
Dominican Literacy Center
One-to-one tutoring in reading, writing, math, computers and GED prep for adult learners.
Contact: Ms. Kimbley Williams, Director & Volunteer Coordinator
Tutor in Computer Lab
Assist adults learning computer skills.
11148 Harper Ave.
Detroit, Mi, 48213
Earthworks Urban Farm
Program of the Capuchin Soup Kitchen - 2.5 acre, all-organic farm that provides fresh, healthy and nutritious food for the community.
Contact: Wendy Casey, Comm. Outreach Specialist
313-579-2100 x 204
Garden Worker
Work and hours vary with each season. Tasks include soil prep, planting, harvesting , cultivating , & gen. garden tasks. 15 volunteers at a given time. Volunteer opportunities will be posted here: https://thecapuchins.volunteerhub.com/lp/cskearthworks
1264 Meldrum
Detroit, Mi, 48207
Earthworks Urban Farm
Program of the Capuchin Soup Kitchen - 2.5 acre, all-organic farm that provides fresh, healthy and nutritious food for the community.
Contact: Wendy Casey, Comm. Outreach Specialist
313-579-2100 x 204
Bike Repair
Every Wednesday afternoon a shipping container in our parking lot gets opened up and crowds swell to work on their bikes. Many folks in our community depend on bikes to get around, but don鈥檛 have access to tools or parts. With the help our resident bike mechanic Mr. Howard we make sure people ride away with smile on their face. We can always use an extra hand to help work on bikes. Community bike shops goes from 12:30pm 鈥 2:30pm.
1264 Meldrum
Detroit, Mi, 48207
Epiphany Education Center
Contact: Ms. Roslyn Taylor,
(313) 267-1830
Tutoring, Grades 1-8
One-on one tutoring Mon. - Thurs, 3:30 pm - 6:00 pm.
5555 Conner St.
Detroit, MI, 48213
Focus: HOPE
Focus Hope's strives to overcome racism, poverty, and injustice through practical action such as education/training, youth development and food distribution.
Contact: Khristi English, Volunteer Coordinator
Work in Food Center
Tues, Wed, Thursdays and Saturdays, 9:00am-12:00pm. Groups are needed to pack food boxes at their Food Warehouse, which is located south of the Westside Food Center, 1300 Oakman Boulevard, Detroit 48238. contact Kristi
1400 Oakman Blvd.
Detroit, MI, 48238
Focus: HOPE
Focus Hope's strives to overcome racism, poverty, and injustice through practical action such as education/training, youth development and food distribution.
Contact: Khristi English, Volunteer Coordinator
Tutoring assistance is needed especially in engineering-related subjects such as math. Mon - Fri 1:30-3pm. Days are flexible.
1400 Oakman Blvd.
Detroit, MI, 48238
Focus: HOPE
Focus Hope's strives to overcome racism, poverty, and injustice through practical action such as education/training, youth development and food distribution.
Contact: Yolanda Baker, Volunteer Coordinator - Homebound
Food Delivery to Homebound
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings - 10:00 am to 1:00 pm and afternoons - 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm (no deliveries on Saturday afternoons.) Pick up boxes of food in zip code area to which you'd like to deliver. Bring the boxes and your attention to the seniors on your list. 30 Minute Orientation needed before serving
1200 Oakman Blvd - Bldg B
Detroit, MI, 48238-2850
Forgotten Harvest
Rescue of surplus prepared and perishable food which is then donated to emergency food providers.
Contact: Ms. Nicole Peeples, Volunteer Manager
Harvest Helper
Harvest Helpers assist the drivers in their daily route. If you have a day (Mon- Fri - 7am-5pm) that you can share, they guarantee it will be unforgettable. Your day will start at the office where you'll be assigned to a driver and route. The first portion of the day will be spent visiting a dozen different food donors. You'll see the quality and quantity of wonderful food that is donated and lend a hand to help load the truck (nothing heavier than 50 lbs). Then it's on to the pantries and soup kitchen to deliver the food. You'll visit 3 different emergency food providers and see -hand the genuine need and appreciation from the recipients. The trucks return to the office anytime between 3 - 5 pm. They need very little advanced notice to schedule your time as a Harvest Helper. Just call at least one day in advance and they will get you on one of their trucks the next day. Must be 18 years or older to participate. www.forgottenharvest.org/volunteer
21800 Greenfield
Oak Park, MI, 48237
Forgotten Harvest
Rescue of surplus prepared and perishable food which is then donated to emergency food providers.
Contact: Ms. Nicole Peeples, Volunteer Manager
Office Help
Office volunteers assist during normal business hours of Mon - Sat, 8 am - 5 pm. Duties can range from answering phones, entering data, stuffing envelopes, mailings, or research. www.forgottenharvest.org/volunteer
21800 Greenfield
Oak Park, MI, 48237
Forgotten Harvest
Rescue of surplus prepared and perishable food which is then donated to emergency food providers.
Contact: Ms. Nicole Peeples, Volunteer Manager
Re-Packaging Food
Help with re-packaging projects in the distribution center. These consist of taking large units of product and re-packaging it into smaller, more manageable units for easier distribution. 3 hour am & pm shifts available M-S. Weeknight shifts T-S, 4:30 鈥 7:30 pm. www.forgottenharvest.org/volunteer To volunteer as an INDIVIDUAL: http://cerv.is/m?0096gey4sEM
21800 Greenfield
Oak Park, MI, 48237
Forgotten Harvest
Rescue of surplus prepared and perishable food which is then donated to emergency food providers.
Contact: Ms. Nicole Peeples, Volunteer Manager
Group of Volunteers
To volunteer with a group, please send the following information to: volunteer@forgottenharvest.org: Group Name, Number of people, Contact Name, Contact Email Address, Contact Phone Number
21800 Greenfield
Oak Park, MI, 48237
Forgotten Harvest Farm
Forgotten Harvest Farms is 103 acres of land on which are grown and harvested over 850,000 pounds of fresh, healthy produce each year for distribution to those in need in metro Detroit..
Contact: Nakeita Harris, Farm Volunteer Coordinator
248-302- 7472
Farm Work
Activities include weeding, harvesting and maintenance. Be sure to dress for the weather! Bring gloves, sunblock and water. Volunteer opportunities from April to October. www.forgottenharvest.org/volunteer
9153 Major Road
Fenton, MI, 48430
Fort Street Open Door
Thursday morning meal for over 400 homeless or poor people. Career closet open on Tuesdays.
Contact: Tisha Costner, Open Door Director
313-961-4533 x 34
Serve a Meal to homeless and poor
Serve food and/or distribute clothes to those in need. Thursdays 8-11am.
631 West Fort Street
Detroit, Mi, 48226
Fort Street Open Door
Thursday morning meal for over 400 homeless or poor people. Career closet open on Tuesdays.
Contact: Tisha Costner, Open Door Director
313-961-4533 x 34
Career Closet
On Tuesdays volunteers are needed to sort clothing from 8:30 - 11:30 a.m. in preparation for the Tuesday Career Closet. Then from noon - 2:00 p.m. volunteers are needed to assist approximately 25 women who receive clothing from the Career Closet each week.
631 West Fort Street
Detroit, Mi, 48226
Fort Street Open Door
Thursday morning meal for over 400 homeless or poor people. Career closet open on Tuesdays.
Contact: Tisha Costner, Open Door Director
313-961-4533 x 34
Behind the Scenes Work
Various daytime jobs that support the soup kitchen and clothing closet. Will try to work with your schedule and interests.
631 West Fort Street
Detroit, Mi, 48226
Friendship House Food Pantry
Food pantry, THAW applications, Bi-annual baby shower, school supply giveaway, workshops
Contact: Cathy Maher, Office Manager
Food Distribution to Seniors
Senior food distribution at the Hamtramck Senior Plaza is usually the 3rd Saturday of each month from 10:00am-noon. Check in clients and help take food up to their apartments.
9540 Conant
Hamtramck, MI, 48212
Friendship House Food Pantry
Food pantry, THAW applications, Bi-annual baby shower, school supply giveaway, workshops
Contact: Cathy Maher, Office Manager
Harvest Food Pantry
Harvest Food Pantry - Check in clients or help distribute food. Tuesday 3:30 -5pm; Thursday 1-4:30pm and Saturday 9am-12pm
9540 Conant
Hamtramck, MI, 48212
Friendship House Food Pantry
Food pantry, THAW applications, Bi-annual baby shower, school supply giveaway, workshops
Contact: Cathy Maher, Office Manager
Organize Food Pantry
Help sort food, organize donations, or clean the grounds.
9540 Conant
Hamtramck, MI, 48212
Friends of the Rouge
Restoration and stewardship of the Rouge River.
Contact: Sally Petrella, Volunteer Monitoring Program Manager
313 792-9621 ext106
One Day events and Long Term projects
Visit their website http://www.therouge.org/ for a calendar of events that include clean-up efforts, wildlife monitoring projects, and education projects
4901 Evergreen, KM
Dearborn, MI, 48218
Friends of the Rouge
Restoration and stewardship of the Rouge River.
Contact: Erin Cassady, Rouge Edn Proj Prog Mgr & Member Coord
Rouge Education Project
Help 4th-12th grader conduct hands-on scientific fieldwork through physical, biological, and chemical assessments of Rouge River health. More info at: http://www.therouge.org/our-work/rouge-education-project
4901 Evergreen Road, KM
Dearborn, MI, 48128
Gesu Elementary School
Catholic Elementary School with a racially and economically diverse student body across from the 海角大神 McNichols campus.
Contact: Anita Sevier, Director of After School Programs
After School Programs at Gesu School
3:30 - 6 (or part of that time) weekdays; engage with students as directed during the school year. Also must complete "Protecting God's Children" class
Police Check
17139 Oak Dr.
Detroit, MI, 48221
Gesu Elementary School
Catholic Elementary School with a racially and economically diverse student body across from the 海角大神 McNichols campus.
Contact: Anita Sevier, Community Outreach Coordinator
Recess helpers at Gesu School
11:45 - 12:45 weekdays. Engage with school children at recess during the school year. Students who wish to volunteer must receive training, that will better equip them to work with children. Also must complete "Protecting God's Children" class.
Police Check
17139 Oak Dr.
Detroit, MI, 48221
Gesu Elementary School
Catholic Elementary School with a racially and economically diverse student body across from the 海角大神 McNichols campus.
Contact: Anita Sevier, Community Outreach Coordinator
1 on 1 tutoring of students; Weekdays and times during the school year to be arranged. Long-term commitments only. Also must complete "Protecting God's Children" class
Police Check
17139 Oak Dr.
Detroit, MI, 48221
Gesu Elementary School
Catholic Elementary School with a racially and economically diverse student body across from the 海角大神 McNichols campus.
Contact: Anita Sevier, Community Outreach Coordinator
Morning Latchkey at Gesu School
Interact with students during morning latchkey from 7-7:40am weekdays during the school year. Also must complete "Protecting God's Children" class
Police Check
17139 Oak Dr.
Detroit, MI, 48221
Gesu Elementary School
Catholic Elementary School with a racially and economically diverse student body across from the 海角大神 McNichols campus.
Contact: Anita Sevier, Community Outreach Coordinator
Grounds Upkeep
Help keep the grounds well maintained. Do not need complete "Protecting God's Children" class. For groups -contact Anita.
Police Check
17139 Oak Dr.
Detroit, MI, 48221
Gleaners Food Bank
Large food bank that collects surplus food and distributes it to emergency food providers.
Contact: Ms. Karen Rogensues,
313-923-3535 x 239
Monitoring Sites
Visit 8 sites for a total of 2-3 hours around school, work, or home during the semester. Complete monitoring form and return it to Gleaners. Must haves: Be able to write; thoroughly enjoy driving; have a good driving record; Have a cell phone; Be illegal drug and alcohol free; Be able to work alone once intstructed. Contact Darryl Hicks at dhicks@gcfb.org or (313)-570-8172
2131 Beaufait
Detroit, MI, 48207
Gleaners Food Bank
Large food bank that collects surplus food and distributes it to emergency food providers.
Contact: Ms. Karen Rogensues,
313-923-3535 x 239
Food Packing/Sorting/Other
Work projects vary. Examples include pulling agency orders, de-tagging clothing, cleaning, packing food boxes, backpacks, mailings, and sorting through canned good items collected via a food drive. Detroit location: Tues-Fri (8:45am-noon) up to 40 volunteers and Sat (8:45am-noon or 12:45-3:30pm)up to 60 volunteers . Hours also available at the Warren, Howell, Pontiac and Taylor locations. Check the website for more information and complete and submit volunteer form.
2131 Beaufait
Detroit, MI, 48207
Gleaners Food Bank
Large food bank that collects surplus food and distributes it to emergency food providers.
Contact: Ms. Karen Rogensues,
313-923-3535 x 239
Cooking Matters
Help facilitate classes that teach low-income individuals at risk of hunger how to select, purchase and prepare healthy low-cost meals. Two hours a week for six weeks. Contact rblauw@gcfb.org
2131 Beaufait
Detroit, MI, 48207
Gleaners Food Bank
Large food bank that collects surplus food and distributes it to emergency food providers.
Contact: Ms. Karen Rogensues,
313-923-3535 x 239
Fresh Food Share Program
Assist in packing boxes of fresh produce for the Fresh Food Share Program - the third Wednesday/Thursday of each month between 9-11:30 AM. Volunteers are also needed to take orders at our Henry Ford Health Systems sites on the second Thursday of each month from 11-30 AM - 1 PM. Contact (313) 923-3535 ext. 203 or 313.550.8034 or FreshFoodShare@gcfb.org
2131 Beaufait
Detroit, MI, 48207
Gleaners Food Bank
Large food bank that collects surplus food and distributes it to emergency food providers.
Contact: Ms. Karen Rogensues,
313-923-3535 x 239
Outdoor Food Distribution - Detroit Eastside
NOTE: this options may no longer exist. (JTH 11/8/22) Outdoor food distribution at FREC2, Detroit east-side community center. To sign up go to https://www.gcfb.org/give-time/volunteer-opportunities/adult-opportunities/food-pantries/
2131 Beaufait
Detroit, MI, 48207
Gleaners Food Bank
Large food bank that collects surplus food and distributes it to emergency food providers.
Contact: Ms. Julie Ptasznik, Special Events Volunteer Coordinator
313-923-3535 ext. 245
Mercado Food Hub
Client Choice Food Pantry. Volunteers needed to help with distribution to clients on Mondays, Tues & Sate 9-1:30, Wednesday 1:30-5:30p, Thurs 4-7:30. Sign up at: https://www.gcfb.org/give-time/volunteer-opportunities/distribution-centers/mercado-food-hub-pantry/ - NOTE: this site also gives times for "Packing," but that does not fit with the requirements for most service-learning classes. Be sure to sign up for "Distribution."
Detroit, MI,
Gleaners Food Bank
Large food bank that collects surplus food and distributes it to emergency food providers.
Contact: Ms. Julie Ptasznik, Special Events Volunteer Coordinator
313-923-3535 ext. 245
My Neighborhood Mobile Grocery
NOTE: This option may no longer exist (JTH 11/8/22) Volunteers greet shoppers, assemble orders on the truck, bag orders, and help set-up and tear-down the pop-up market at various locations, and times. Volunteer sign up: https://www.gcfb.org/give-time/volunteer-opportunities/adult-opportunities/my-neighborhood-mobile-grocery
Detroit, MI,
Good Neighbor Project
The focus of this program is to build a mentor relationship witha prisioner that reveals the workings of our criminal justice system.
Contact: Mr. Demetrius Titus, Program Associate
734 761 8283
Co-Mentor Prisioners
Volunteers correspond twice a month via email or mailed lettes to Michigan prisioners. Each volunteer has one prisoner to mentor.During this pandemic time the Volunteer Director will conduct the program orientation via zoom.
124 Pearl St, Suite 607
Ypsilanti, MI, 48197
Grace Centers of Hope
Oakland County's leading faith-based organization confronting issues of homelessness, addiction, poverty and spiritual emptiness.
Contact: Miranda Glascock,
Various Opportunities w/ Residents
Help prepare and serve meals, act as a mentor, tutor, babysit, or decorate the building.
35 E. Huron
Pontiac, MI, 48342
Grace Centers of Hope
Oakland County's leading faith-based organization confronting issues of homelessness, addiction, poverty and spiritual emptiness.
Contact: Miranda Glascock,
Outdoor work or Behind the Scenes
Office Work; Holiday Preparations; Work in one of the Thrift Stores; upkeep of homes and properites and landscaping in better weather
35 E. Huron
Pontiac, MI, 48342
Grace Centers of Hope
Oakland County's leading faith-based organization confronting issues of homelessness, addiction, poverty and spiritual emptiness.
Contact: Miranda Glascock,
Teach a Class
Share your expertise with the residents on budgeting, nutrition, stress management, communication, or any tipic that could help develop skills for daily life.
35 E. Huron
Pontiac, MI, 48342
HAVEN of Oakland County
Oakland County鈥檚 only comprehensive program for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. HAVEN provides shelter, counseling, advocacy and educational programming to nearly 30,000 people each year.
Contact: Emily Matuszczak, Volunteer and Intern Program Manager
248-334 1284 ext 380
Help with Events
Group service projects: prepare meals; plan activities for residents; organize and clean shelter playroom, kitchen, pantry; yard work or garden work at shelter. For more information, complete online volunteer request info: https://www.haven-oakland.org/volunteer/request-info Does not offer short term opportunities
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HAVEN of Oakland County
Oakland County鈥檚 only comprehensive program for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. HAVEN provides shelter, counseling, advocacy and educational programming to nearly 30,000 people each year.
Contact: Emily Matuszczak, Volunteer and Intern Program Manager
248-334 1284 ext 380
Mentoring or other interaction with Clients
For safety and care of clients, application, interview, background check and 24 hour training are required as well as weekly commitment. For more information, complete online volunteer request info: https://www.haven-oakland.org/volunteer/request-info
Police Check
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Hope Center in Macomb
A client-choice food pantry in Macomb County.
Contact: Tammy White, Volunteer Coordinator
Food Pantry
Food Pantry - Sign in clients, help in 'grocery store', carry groceries to car. Tuesday thru Saturday, 9am-3pm. May need to attend an orientation session.
33222 Groesbeck Highway
Fraser, Mi, 48026
Interim House
Temporary housing and support services for battered women and their children.
Contact: Ms. Patricia Gamble, Contact for Service
313-259-9922 x 200
Office Work
Help with printing appeals letters and envelopes.
985 East Jefferson Avenue Suite 101
Detroit, MI, 48207
Interim House
Temporary housing and support services for battered women and their children.
Contact: Ms. Patricia Gamble, Contact for Service
313-259-9922 x 200
Activities with Women and Children in a Domestic Violence Shelter
Assist counselor with activities for children and/or women at a domestic violence shelter (due to sensitive nature of shelter residence, volunteer activities are at the discretion of Event Coordinator). For more information see webpage: http://www.ywcadetroit.org/help/become-a-volunteer/
985 East Jefferson Avenue Suite 101
Detroit, MI, 48207
Jalen Rose Leadership Academy
Charter School
Contact: Katteeva James,
Tutoring and Mentoring
Tutor and mentor high school age students
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J L White Center
School for disabled youth ages 14-19.
Contact: Mr. Gary Taylor, Acting Principal
313 416 4200 x 4803
Working with Disabled Youth
Variety of opportunities working with students ages 14-19 with disabilities.
14804 W. McNichols
Detroit, Mi, 48235
Judson Center
Solutions to the challenges facing children and families, and adults with developmental disabilities - serving ten counties.
Contact: Peggy Kerr, Comm. Rel. & Vol. Prog. Mgr.
Help with mailings, clerical work, special projects. Two days a week of volunteer's choice, from 9:00am-4:00pm. (or hours within this time frame that suit their availiblity) Various locations in Macomb and Oakland county.
Police Check
4410 West 13 Mile Road
Royal Oak, MI,
Judson Center
Solutions to the challenges facing children and families, and adults with developmental disabilities - serving ten counties.
Contact: Peggy Kerr, Comm. Rel. & Vol. Prog. Mgr.
Foster Child Watching
Volunteers needed to watch children ages (0-17) while parents attend the Foster Care Support Group at Judson Center's Affiliate, ChildSafe Michigan. Volunteers will be with Child Safe team. 5:45-8:00pm once per month
Police Check
4410 West 13 Mile Road
Royal Oak, MI,
Junior Achievement for Southeastern
Educates youth about workforce readiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy.
Contact: Ms. Cindy Bazner, Senior Vice President
313 962 5689
Youth Programs
Facilitate the Junior Achievement program in an elementary, middle, or high school classroom. Volunteer for one full school day or for one hour per week for 5-8 weeks. JA provides you with training and step-by-step instructions for presenting lessons that focus on financial literacy, work readiness skills and entrepreneurship.
577 East Larned St 2nd Floor
Detroit, MI, 48226
Junior Achievement for Southeastern
Educates youth about workforce readiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy.
Contact: Ms. Cindy Bazner, Senior Vice President
313 962 5689
JA Finance Park
Spend the day in JA Finance Park assisting a group of middle or high school students with learning how to create and manage a monthly personal budget. Contact JA for dates available.
577 East Larned St 2nd Floor
Detroit, MI, 48226
Keep Growing Detroit
Contact: Ms. Lola Gibson-Berg, Community Education Coordinator
313 656 4769
Farm Work or Market Gardens
Individual or small group volunteers needed to work on the Farm (1850 Erskine near Eastern Mkt.) Mondays 5-7pm and Fridays 9am-12noon from Aug 13. Help also needed with community or market gardens.
1445 Adelaide Street
Detroit, MI, 48207
Kids Today Leaders Tomorrow
Contact: Christopher Holton,
313 320 0506
educational assistance to students
assist students in classes on culiary arts, drama, computer, business development
12405 Gunston St.
Detroit, MI, 48025
La Casa Guadalupana
The misi贸n of La Casa Guadalupana is to revitalize the environment and improve conditions in the lives of the Hispanic community. Focus on family literacy .
Contact: Sr. Marie Benzing CSJ, Coordinator of Tutoring
cell (586)-354-3154
Elementary student tutoring
Elementary (1-8) students come in Tues, Wed and Thurs. Volunteers help the students with reading, math, writing, homework, or class projects Groups start at 3:45 pm and 4:50 pm. Tutoring is in English. This work previously done by Centro de San Jose. Mandatory 3 hour training.
4329 Central Ave.
Detroit, MI, 48210
Lafayette Greens
Urban Garden and Greenspace in downtown Detroit
Contact: Gwen Meyer, Coordinator
Urban gardening
Regular volunteer hours on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. On-site physical labor, education or organizing and distribution. Email to set up other days and times, or groups.
142 West Lafayette
Detroit, MI, 48226
Leaps and Bounds Family Services
Programs that focus on the health, education, social and economic needs of at-risk children and families
Contact: Kezia Curtis, Youth Program Director
586 759 3895
Tutor Adults
Adult 1-on-1 tutoring - Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays between 9am - 1pm. ESL, GED, Basic Math,Basic Reading. One hour a week for a semester.
DHS Clearance
8129 Packard
Warren, Mi, 48089
Leaps and Bounds Family Services
Programs that focus on the health, education, social and economic needs of at-risk children and families
Contact: Kezia Curtis, Youth Program Director
586 759 3895
Tutor Youth
Youth (9th - 12th grade) 1-on1 Tutoring - Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays between 4pm - 7pm. Math, Science, English, Social Studies. One hour per week for a semester.
8129 Packard
Warren, Mi, 48089
Lighthouse of Oakland County, Inc.
Emergency services, long-term housing for women and children, housing and job counseling, senior assistance
Contact: Gabrielle Fagan, Volunteer Resources Assistant
6 month commitment, 4 hours per week, 8am 鈥 noon or noon 鈥 4:00pm. With a warm smile and a pleasant voice this person will answer the switchboard phone and redirect callers to a staff person. They will greet visitors as they arrive for meetings with staff members. They will also be responsible to assist with mailings and other administrative tasks as needed.
46156 Woodward
Pontiac, MI, 48342
Lighthouse of Oakland County, Inc.
Emergency services, long-term housing for women and children, housing and job counseling, senior assistance
Contact: Gabrielle Fagan, Volunteer Resources Assistant
Drivers needed who can be on call Monday 鈥 Friday from 8 a.m. 鈥 4 p.m. Pick up donations at schools, churches, businesses, stores or homes within Oakland County (Bloomfield, Bloomfield Hills, Birmingham and Troy).
46156 Woodward
Pontiac, MI, 48342
Lighthouse of Oakland County, Inc.
Emergency services, long-term housing for women and children, housing and job counseling, senior assistance
Contact: Gabrielle Fagan, Volunteer Resources Assistant
Senior Luncheon
Lighthouse provides a monthly luncheon for seniors and are looking for volunteers to help with this.
46156 Woodward
Pontiac, MI, 48342
Living Arts Detroit
DPS (esp Southwest Detroit) schools, Head Start and after-school programs that cultivate an environment that sparks the imagination and fosters ingenuity through the arts and community development initiatives
Contact: Cara Graninger, Director Programs and Partnerships
Dance/Arts Class Assistant
Assist lead artists in the classroom for Southwest Dance and El Arte programs.
8701 W. Vernor, Suite 202
Detroit, MI, 48209
Living Arts Detroit
DPS (esp Southwest Detroit) schools, Head Start and after-school programs that cultivate an environment that sparks the imagination and fosters ingenuity through the arts and community development initiatives
Contact: Cara Graninger, Director Programs and Partnerships
Office Work
Living Arts has an ongoing and often rather pressing need for an office-based volunteer who would help them get organized. This less glamorous but valuable work would expose you to the inner workings of an arts non-profit.
8701 W. Vernor, Suite 202
Detroit, MI, 48209
Loyola High School
A Catholic High School for young men in the Jesuit tradition
Contact: Wyatt Jones, English Dept.
After school assistance 4:00pm or help during study hall 12:30-1:20 Mon - Thurs. OR Assisting in a classroom - must be pre-approved by teacher. Hours during day will vary and a schedule must be planned and kept to by tutor.
15325 Pinehurst St.
Detroit, MI, 48238
Literacy program with one-on-one tutoring in reading and writing for ages 4-12. Tutoring for K-5th grade. Some programing for other ages. Including Entrepreneurship for Middle Schoolers.
Contact: Ms. Alyce Hartman, Director of Education
313.732.9302 ext. 702
One-on-one tutoring in Reading and Writing for ages K-5th grade level. Tues or Thurs 5:00-6:00pm. One hour a week for 12 weeks - but there are off-weeks, so usually 10 session. Fall or Winter semesters. Background check required: they send materials - not cost to volunteer.
7900 Mack Avenue
Detroit, MI, 48214
Malta Free Medical and Dental Clinic
Malta provides free dental and medical care to the uninsured. Entire staff is volunteer. Clinic refers clients to a Medicaid navigator to determine eligibility and assist with enrollment.
Contact: Nancy Harmon,
313 894 2240
Assist with dental and medical care
Clinic welcomes volunteers one day per month to assist doctors, nurses, hygienists. Volunteers can register at: maltaclinic.org/volunteer
4800 Grand River Ave
Detroit, MI, 48208
Manna Meals
A Soup Kitchen in Detroit's Corktown neighborhood offering a respite from the harsh realities of the street. Due to Covid their capacity is very limited. She prefer we not have students come during this fall semester.
Contact: Ms. Marianne Arbogast, Co-Manager
Breakfast for Homeless
Serve breakfast 7am-11:30am Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. Volunteers would be preparing sandwiches and coffee and serving the homeless clients.
1950 Trumbull
Detroit, Mi,
Matrix MAC Health
Prevention of HIV transmission through AIDS education and abstinence based safer sex information.
Contact: Linda Garrison, Volunteer Director
248-545-1435 ext. 123
AIDS Prevention Education/Outreach
Volunteer thru Matrix Human Services via http://www.matrixhumanservices.org/volunteer/ - specify AIDS related service options.
, MI,
MCREST Rotating Homeless Shelter
Provides shelter through hospitality in rotating host parishes for the homeless in Macomb county.
Contact: Christina Naden, Vol Liasion
586-415-5101 x 224
Rotating Homeless Shelter
Prep and serve evining meal.
215 S. Main St
Mt Clemens, MI, 48043
Mercy Education Project
Targeted educational services for at-risk girls and women.
Contact: Ms. Erin O'Mara, Volunteer Coordinator
Reading and/or Math Tutoring, Grades 2-12
Tutoring one or more days per week with girls grades 2-12 in reading and/or math after-school or Saturday program; late-September to late-May, one-to-one; curriculum-based format (we do not provide homework help); tutors work with the same student(s) throughout the year; training & materials are provided: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday: 4:15 - 5:45 p.m and/or 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. Saturdays: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm and/or 1:00 - 2:00 pm Download volunteer application at: http://www.mercyed.net/volunteer and submit via email, fax, mail, or call 313-963-5881. .
1450 Howard
Detroit, Mi, 48216
Mercy Education Project
Targeted educational services for at-risk girls and women.
Contact: Ms. Erin O'Mara, Volunteer Coordinator
Clerical/Reception Work
Clerical/reception work. Also help clients with intake paperwork on entry testing days. Spanish speakers would be very helpful. Download volunteer application at: http://www.mercyed.net/sites/default/files/images/Volunteer%20Application%20and%20Background%20Check_0.pdf and submit via email, fax, mail, or call 313-963-5881.
1450 Howard
Detroit, Mi, 48216
Mercy Primary Care Center
Healthcare for uninsured and/or homeless. Shower program also available.
Contact: Cheryl Starr-Hayes, SPA Community Liaison Representative
Spa Program for Homeless
Package hygiene kits, sort clothing, make phone calls for donations, assist the SPA Coordinator with the clients, wash towels, clean shower, and fold towels. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 9:00 a.m. -11:30 a.m. or 1:30 p.m. -3:30 p.m.
5555 Conner Suite 2691
Detroit, MI, 48213
Mercy Primary Care Center
Healthcare for uninsured and/or homeless. Shower program also available.
Contact: Cheryl Starr-Hayes, SPA Community Liaison Representative
Homeless Awareness Project Planning
Homeless Awareness events occur in November and spring annually. Work with MPCC staff to help plan and execute effective programming and public awareness.
5555 Conner Suite 2691
Detroit, MI, 48213
Motor City Blight Busters, Inc.
Fights to stop the spread of blight and help stabilize and revitalize Detroit's long forgotten neighborhoods.
Contact: John George,
Outside work
Sweeping, raking, or painting a mural. Bring work clothes and gloves. Monday-Saturday hours available 9am-5pm
17405 Lahser
Detroit, MI, 48219-
N.O.A.H. Project (Central United Methodist)
Lunch program and comprehensive array of services for the homeless. Volunteers are required to wear masks.
Contact: Remington Devereauh, Bag Lunch Program Coordinator
313-965-5422 x 126
Bag Lunch Service
Monday-Thursday from 9:30-12:00. Come at 9:30am to prep lunches and then stay to help serve them. Lunch is served out of the 2nd floor of Central United Methodist Church at 23 E. Adams, with free parking in the church lot located on E. Elizabeth. Here is a calendar that reflects the opportunities currently available: http://noahprojectdetroit.org/programs/bag-lunch-program/. Volunteers contact David via email baglunch@NOAHprojectdetroit.org
23 E. Adams
Detroit, MI, 48226
Neighbors Building Brightmoor
Neighborhood Inititative in the Brightmoor neighborhood.
Contact: Brittany Bradd,
Neighborhood Projects
Help needed with Gardening support (building beds, weeding beds, wood chipping pathways, planting, watering, harvesting) and Beautification support: trash/debris removal, house board ups, street and sidewalk clean up,
Detroit, MI,
Serves the homeless, elderly, children and adults with developmental disabilities, families struggling with addiction and mental illness, people contemplating suicide, as well as young people preparing for success in school or success in life.
Contact: Ms. Jesuit Volunteer, Community Involvement Coordinator
Offer informational and/or fun events for residents
Work with formerly homeless residents in a Recovery Services unit to create and lead projects. In the past students have done crafts, planned fun events. NSO interested in financial literacy sessions. Recommended that minimum of 2-3 visits be prearranged. Located at NSO Bell Building.
882 Oakman Blvd
Detroit, MI, 48238
Serves the homeless, elderly, children and adults with developmental disabilities, families struggling with addiction and mental illness, people contemplating suicide, as well as young people preparing for success in school or success in life.
Contact: Ms. Denise Figurski, Special Events & Volunteer Mgr.
(313) 961-4890
Art Therapy Class Assistant
Art therapy classes Monday-Thurs: 9:30 a.m. 鈥 12 p.m. with developmentally and intellectually disabled young adults. Do not need great art skills. NSO Life Choices is located at 8600 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, MI 48202.
882 Oakman Blvd
Detroit, MI, 48238
Serves the homeless, elderly, children and adults with developmental disabilities, families struggling with addiction and mental illness, people contemplating suicide, as well as young people preparing for success in school or success in life.
Contact: Ms. Denise Figurski, Special Events & Volunteer Mgr.
(313) 961-4890
Older Adults Services
Provide services and support to older adults with mental illness at the NSO Rosemont Home. Volunteers can play games, or lead crafts or workshops on budgeting, hygiene, nutrition, hobbies, etc. Thursdays from 10 AM-1 or 2 PM. Pre-arrange 3-4 visits. Contact for address of Rosemont Home.
882 Oakman Blvd
Detroit, MI, 48238
Serves the homeless, elderly, children and adults with developmental disabilities, families struggling with addiction and mental illness, people contemplating suicide, as well as young people preparing for success in school or success in life.
Contact: Jesuit Volunteer, Community Involvement Coordinator
Fun and Games with Residents
Volunteers work with formerly homeless residents to help facilitate fun and games like Bingo. Open to new games and activities. Bingo is generally held one Friday per month on Fridays at 1 PM
882 Oakman Blvd
Detroit, MI, 48238
Oats Horseback Riding
Equine-assisted therapy to children and adults with disabilities.
Contact: Beth Pellerito, Director
Working With Kids and Adults with Disablilities
Assist horseback riding for kids and adults with disablilities and learning about their disabilities. Lead a horse and rider, interact with the rider, assist with mounting and dismounting, and assist with grooming, tacking and untacking. Mondays, Tuesdays, and Saturdays. Need to complete a liability forms.
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P.B.J. Outreach
Contact: Service Leader, Leader
Making and Distributing Food/Clothing
Food and clothing distribution for the homeless of Detroit. Sat: 7:30-9 A.M. for distributing food in Detroit. M,Th in Plymouth for sorting clothing, making food to pass out. Use "Contact Us" page to serve: https://pbjoutreach.org/contact-us/
47650 Territorial Rd.
Plymouth, MI, 48170
People for Palmer Park
Palmer Park preservation and revitalization
Contact: Mr. Clint Griffin,
Park Maintenance
Palmer Park clean-up and maintenance.
504 Neff Road
Grosse Pointe, Mi, 48230
Pope Francis Center
The Pope Francis Center is a warming Center and much more offering food, laundry room, shower room, and wash-up room, hospitality, and hygiene care. Volunteers who are not vacinnated are required to wear masks.
Contact: Caprice Woods, Volunteer & Outreach Coordinator
313.964.2823 ext. 224
Assistance with client related activities
Open Tues-Sat from 6:45-11:15am. Opportunities include: Volunteers serve and clean-up for meals, do laundry, chat with guests, staff the front office and distribute personal care items. Sign up for service on the web: https://volunteer.popefranciscenter.org/
438 St. Antoine
Detroit, MI, 48226-4318
Pope Francis Center
The Pope Francis Center is a warming Center and much more offering food, laundry room, shower room, and wash-up room, hospitality, and hygiene care. Volunteers who are not vacinnated are required to wear masks.
Contact: Caprice Woods, Volunteer & Outreach Coordinator
313.964.2823 ext. 224
Pope Francis Center - Behind the Scenes
Call for current needs - cleaning, sorting, organizing, etc鈥
438 St. Antoine
Detroit, MI, 48226-4318
Racquet Up
A Detroit youth development program combining squash, academics, community service, and mentoring.
Contact: Ms. Tina Perkins,
313-380 2675
RacquetUp Academic Tutor
Tutoring, activities, and squash. Students in grades 5-12. Mon & Wed:3:30-4:40 PM (Homework help only); Tue & Thur: 4:00-6:30 PM; Fri: 1-3:45 PM, 4:00-6:30 PM. Please contact Tina Perkins for volunteer orientation info
6530 Outer Dr
Detroit, MI, 48235
Red Cross Ready Program
Fire safety, preparedness and prevention program for youth.
Contact: Julie Phenis, Youth Coordinator
Present Fire Safety Program to Youth
Give at least two one-hour presentations of the Red Cross Ready Program (fire safety, preparedness, and prevention) to 5th graders. Training session is 2.5 hours.
100 Mack Avenue
Detroit, MI, 48244
Ruth Ellis Center
Residential and drop-in programs for LGBTQ teens and adults
Contact: I'Sha Schultz-Spradlin, Development Associate
Various needs to support LGBTQ teens
Work in the drop-in center, Cyber Center, help with meals, laundry, mailings, etc. T,Th with teens, M,W with ages 17-30; 3-8 PM. To volunteer, you will need to complete an orientation, submit a background check, and complete paperwork.
Police Check
TB Test
DHS Clearance
77 Victor St
Highland Park, MI, 48203
Rx for Reading Detroit
This agency promotes literacy among young students in Detroit by providing free, high-quality children's books and opportunities to read them.
Contact: Dr. Mary-Catherine Harrison PhD, Director
(313) 993-1081
Head Start Reading
Volunteers read out loud to the preschoolers then help them pick out a new book to take home. This is a once-a-week commitment for the semester (typically 10 to 12 weeks total - 60 to 90 minutes a week - 10 to 15 hours). Students can volunteer individually or go in groups of 2 or 3. Access to transportation is required. Volunteers coordinate with Head Start to find a weekly time that works with your schedule.
4001 W. McNichols
Detroit, MI, 48221
Rx for Reading Detroit
This agency promotes literacy among young students in Detroit by providing free, high-quality children's books and opportunities to read them.
Contact: Dr. Mary-Catherine Harrison PhD, Director
(313) 993-1081
NOT a Current Option: Peggy's Place Reading
No Service options at Peggy's Place right now. Past info: 16630 Wyoming St; Detroit, MI 48221. Call 313-862-3234 ext 105 <-- this phone number not current.
4001 W. McNichols
Detroit, MI, 48221
Rx for Reading Detroit
This agency promotes literacy among young students in Detroit by providing free, high-quality children's books and opportunities to read them.
Contact: Dr. Mary-Catherine Harrison PhD, Director
(313) 993-1081
Run a Book Drive
Running a book drive here at Detroit Mercy can be a good option for students who want to volunteer and build on their connections at a school, church, or other organization. Contact Dr. Harrison if interested. mc.harrison@udmercy.edu
4001 W. McNichols
Detroit, MI, 48221
Rx for Reading Detroit
This agency promotes literacy among young students in Detroit by providing free, high-quality children's books and opportunities to read them.
Contact: Dr. Mary-Catherine Harrison PhD, Director
(313) 993-1081
Painting Little Free Libraries
For volunteers who are artistic, Rx always needs help painting and installig the little free libraries. Contact Dr. Harrison if interested. At mc.harrison@udmercy.edu
4001 W. McNichols
Detroit, MI, 48221
Salvation Army
Salvation Army strives to overcome poverty, assist disaster survivors, feed the hungry, to provide shelter to the homeless, provide rehabilatition services and much more.
Contact: Mittie Hatcher, Supervisor of Bed and Bread Program
313 361 6136 ext 281
Bed and Bread Club
prep meals to be delivered by truck Mon-Sun 8-11 am. Ride on truck and distribute meals M-Sun 11 am- 6pm - must do entire shift - experiences in team building with group friendly competition in efficiency while making sandwiches
3737 Lawton
Detroit, MI, 48208
Service in the City
This is a program run by University Ministry to provide service opportunities to students and coordinates transportation.
Contact: Stephanie Zellner, Jesuit Volunteer
Mercy Founders Day
Volunteers will work with Mercy Sisters on campus to help pack bags that will be handed out to the homeless. Sign up at the Ministry Office in the Student Union (near the bookstore) or contact Ministry with contact info give above.
4001 W. McNichols
Detroit, MI, 48221
Service in the City
This is a program run by University Ministry to provide service opportunities to students and coordinates transportation.
Contact: Stephanie Zellner, Jesuit Volunteer
Work with the Homeless
Help at the Pope Francis Center often Saturday mornings from 6:45-12:30. Volunteers serve and clean-up for meals, do laundry, chat with guests, staff the front office and distribute personal care item. Sign up at the Ministry Office in the Student Union (near the bookstore) or contact Ministry with contact info give above.
4001 W. McNichols
Detroit, MI, 48221
Service in the City
This is a program run by University Ministry to provide service opportunities to students and coordinates transportation.
Contact: Stephanie Zellner, Jesuit Volunteer
Tutoring Programs
Monday-Thursday 3:15-4:30pm - Loyola High School students need help in many subjects, most especially Math - but other subjects as well. Weekly commitment needed. University Ministry will coordinate service and Montly Formation Discussion. Volunteers also needed at La Casa Guadalupana which services grade school students. Need to make a weekly commitment to tutoring - date and hours flexible. Elmentary students especially need help with how to use Zoom. Monthly formation discussion.
4001 W. McNichols
Detroit, MI, 48221
Siena Literacy Center
One-on-one tutoring for adults in basic reading, math, computer skills, and English as a Second Language (ESL).
Contact: Donna Nesbitt, Director
Tutor in reading, math, computer skills, and English as a Second Language (ESL) for 1 1/2 hours a week on the day and time available to the volunteer. Open from 9:00 am until 8:00 pm, Mon. - Thurs. One or two semester commitment.
16888 Trinity
Detroit, MI, 48219
South Oakland Shelter
Provides rotating shelter, meals and case management services for individuals and families.
Contact: Austin Kralisz, Volunteer Coordinator
248-809-3773 x 120
Organizing Donations
Help sort, hang, fold, stock, and organize donations. We need help organizing donations Monday through Friday and Sundays from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
18505 W. 12 Mile Rd.
Lathrup Village, MI, 48076
South Oakland Shelter
Provides rotating shelter, meals and case management services for individuals and families.
Contact: Austin Kralisz, Volunteer Coordinator
248-809-3773 x 120
Provide educational support clients by assisting with homework, school projects, as well teaching positive study skills. Tutoring takes place at 5:00 p.m. at the SOS office or at 7:00 p.m. at the host site. Tutors should come once every week.
18505 W. 12 Mile Rd.
Lathrup Village, MI, 48076
South Oakland Shelter
Provides rotating shelter, meals and case management services for individuals and families.
Contact: Austin Kralisz, Volunteer Coordinator
248-809-3773 x 120
Special Events
Assist in the planning of events, as well as helping at the actual event (registration table, set-up, take-down, etc.). Times vary depending on the event.
18505 W. 12 Mile Rd.
Lathrup Village, MI, 48076
South Oakland Shelter
Provides rotating shelter, meals and case management services for individuals and families.
Contact: Austin Kralisz, Volunteer Coordinator
248-809-3773 x 120
Emergency Shelter Support
Assist at the rotating homeless shelter. Contact austin@oaklandshelter.org to inquire about open hosting weeks, schedule a time to visit a host site, and discover other ways you can support our shelter.
18505 W. 12 Mile Rd.
Lathrup Village, MI, 48076
St. Aloysius Catholic Church
Outreach to the homeless, the working poor and impoverished seniors in downtown Detroit.
Contact: Mr. Michael Carsten SFO, Director
313 309 1277
Homeless Outreach
Serve in front of the Church by distributing food, personal hygiene products on Wednesdays 7-9:30 am. Also bag food for distribution and work in pantry.
1234 Washington Blvd.
Detroit, Mi, 48226
St. Christine Christian Services
Active Soup Kitchen and Pantry serving the Brightmoor Community area, Fenkell - West-side Detroit.
Contact: Maureen Northrup, Director of Outreach
Serve Food and Stock Food Pantry - Maybe Soup Kitchen
Pantry is open 1-4pm on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Volunteers are needed to help server the food and sometimes to stock the pantry. Hours can be flexible for stocking. Sometimes volunteers are needed in the Soup Kitchen, but usually not.
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St. Dominic Outreach Center
Outreach center serving the homeless, disabled and working poor.
Contact: Sharron Jenkins, Director
Food Pantry and Clothing Closet
Sorting and sizing clothing, preparing emergency food packages, holiday basket distribution, assisting in special events such as the Childrens Summer 'Fun Day' and Christmas Party. The food pantry is open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm. The Clothes Closet is open Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm.Clannad Cribs & Tots Program, Mon., Tues., Wed., and Fri: 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
4835 Lincoln
Detroit, Mi, 48208
St. Leo Soup Kitchen
Soup Kitchen that seeks to bring aid to and relieve hunger of those in need in an ecomomically deprived area of Detroit.
Contact: Mr. Rich Perry, Kitchen manager
313 897 6565
Soup Kitchen
Help prepare and serve lunch in the soup kitchen. #https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0c49aca92babfac34-stleos#
4800 Grand River
Detroit, MI, 48208-
St. Patrick Senior Center
Senior Citizen Center that provides a comprehensive program of health maintenance, nutrition, social, education, and spiritual caring. Volunteers required to wear masks whether working indoors or outdoors. Prefer to have vacinnated volunteers.
Contact: Joanne Youngblood, Activity Co-Ordinator
Assist with Lunch
Prep in kitchen, serving, assisting Seniors during meal, cleaning dining room, doing dishes. Mon-Fri 11am- 2pm.
58 Parsons
Detroit, MI, 48201
St. Patrick Senior Center
Senior Citizen Center that provides a comprehensive program of health maintenance, nutrition, social, education, and spiritual caring. Volunteers required to wear masks whether working indoors or outdoors. Prefer to have vacinnated volunteers.
Contact: Joanne Youngblood, Activity Co-Ordinator
Senior Citizen Activities
Assist with a variety of Senior Citizen activities. Mon-fri (8am-4pm)
58 Parsons
Detroit, MI, 48201
St. Vincent and Sarah Fisher Center
Provides educational offerings, basic skill building and academic enhancement for at risk children and adults.
Contact: Beth Kraft, Director of Volunteers/Intern Svcs.
GED Prep Tutors
GED Preparation Tutors work one-on-one with adult students. Focus is on improving the Math and Language Arts skills needed to pass the GED test. Hour and half, day and evening sessions are offered. Classes located at several sites throughout Detroit.
16800 Trinity
Detroit, MI, 48219
St. Vincent and Sarah Fisher Center
Provides educational offerings, basic skill building and academic enhancement for at risk children and adults.
Contact: Beth Kraft, Director of Volunteers/Intern Svcs.
Tutor 1st-5th Graders
Volunteer to help provide FREE basic skill-building and academic enhancement to at-risk children. Our curriculum focuses on math, reading and language arts. All lessons, worksheets, learning games and materials are prepared by staff and ready for the volunteer tutor and student to work on together. Our programs are designed to break through the barriers to education that many residents in our area face. Mondays-Thursdays from 3:30pm-5:30pm
16800 Trinity
Detroit, MI, 48219
Starfish Family Services
Strengthening families to create brighter futures for children
Contact: , Volunteer Coordinator
Headstart or tutoring
Assist in a preschool classroom or tutor middle/high school students in the afterschool program
30000 Hiveley Road
Inkster, Mi, 48141
Starfish Family Services
Strengthening families to create brighter futures for children
Contact: , Volunteer Coordinator
Behind the Scenes
Landscaping, cleaning, painting, clerical work. Call for current needs.
30000 Hiveley Road
Inkster, Mi, 48141
Summer Preschool
Early Learning Center for ages 6 weeks - 12 years
Contact: Ms. Margaret, Manager
Interact with Children
Be a reading buddy, help with arts and crafts, play educational games, work with children in the garden, help with mealtime, tutor, or participate with other lessons or activities. Monday - Friday (7am-5:30pm). Ages 6 weeks to 12 years.
DHS Clearance
3121 W. McNichols
Detroit, Mi, 48221
The Hive Student Pantry
Works to raise the standard of living of student who seek food assistance in addition to providing a monthly supply of food.
Contact: Emily Peralta, Operations Manager
Stocking Shelves
The Pantry often needs help sorting food from food drives or food deliveries and other tasks related to pantry operations.
4001 W. McNichols Road
Detroit, MI, 48221
Titan Equity Nourish Network (TENN - Formery Campus Kitchen)
Food rescue, preparation and distribution, composting, food justice program. Safety protocols in place regarding Covid.
Contact: Chelsea Manning,
Addressing Food Insecurity by Produce Delivery
Package and deliver produce to homes on Princeton St. on Fridays 11:30-2:30. Volunteer Page URL: https://linktr.ee/tennetwork. Email tenn@udmercy.edu if you have questions. NOTE: For NUR 2100, all service MUST be at one Site 鈥 and be 鈥淒irect Service.鈥
4001 W. McNichols Rd
Detroit, MI, 48221
Titan Equity Nourish Network (TENN - Formery Campus Kitchen)
Food rescue, preparation and distribution, composting, food justice program. Safety protocols in place regarding Covid.
Contact: Chelsea Manning,
Work in Community Gardens
Volunteers needed for help with work in community gardens in neighborhoods near campus. Go to https://linktr.ee/tennetwork to view current volunteer opportunities and register. Email tenn@udmercy.edu if you have questions.
4001 W. McNichols Rd
Detroit, MI, 48221
Titan Equity Nourish Network (TENN - Formery Campus Kitchen)
Food rescue, preparation and distribution, composting, food justice program. Safety protocols in place regarding Covid.
Contact: Chelsea Manning,
Campus Garden
Assist with the garden work in the Campus gardens. Saturdays. Sign up online at https://linktr.ee/tennetwork. Email tenn@udmercy.edu if you have questions.
4001 W. McNichols Rd
Detroit, MI, 48221
Turning Point, Inc.
Provides programs and resources that enable victims/survivors of domestic and sexual violence to regain control of their lives.
Contact: Ms. Elise Johnson, Volunteer Coordinator
Second Hand Rose (SHR) Volunteer
Turning Point owns and operates a resale shop. Help in sorting and organizing the donated items. Help keep store neat and clean. Proceeds of shop help support agency mission.
Box 1123
Mt. Clemens, MI, 48046
Turning Point, Inc.
Provides programs and resources that enable victims/survivors of domestic and sexual violence to regain control of their lives.
Contact: Ms. Elise Johnson, Volunteer Coordinator
Second Hand Rose Volunteer
SHR is a resale shop that accepts donations from the community. If you are interested in sorting and organizing, this is a great place to volunteer. Minimum of 4 hours/week.
Box 1123
Mt. Clemens, MI, 48046
Turning Point, Inc.
Provides programs and resources that enable victims/survivors of domestic and sexual violence to regain control of their lives.
Contact: Ms. Elise Johnson, Volunteer Coordinator
Administrative Work
Volunteering with the administrative staff includes answering phones, filing, making copies, data entry, various projects, and greeting survivors as they come for services. Minimum of 4 hours/week.
Box 1123
Mt. Clemens, MI, 48046
UofD Jesuit High School & Academy
Jesuit Boys High School near 海角大神's McNichols campus with an ethnic and ecomomically diverse student body.
Contact: Kit Louisell, Director, Learning Center
Tutoring 7-12th graders, Monday-Friday during the school year.
8400 S. Cambridge
Detroit, MI, 48221
Urban Neighborhood Initiatives
Community Center offering programs for at-risk youth and adults in Soutwest Detroit
Contact: Volunteer Coordinator, Volunteer Coordinator
Parks & Beautification
Volunteer at an alley clean up or help with gardening at one of their parks. These events happen throughout the year see info at http://unidetroit.org/volunteer/
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Urban Neighborhood Initiatives
Community Center offering programs for at-risk youth and adults in Soutwest Detroit
Contact: Volunteer Coordinator, Volunteer Coordinator
All Saints Neighborhood Center
Weekdays 3-6pm: Homework then games and crafts. Weekly commitment preferred, but negotiable. Background ck + online application required: http://unidetroit.org/volunteer/ - See ILS for more information
, ,
Urban Neighborhood Initiatives
Community Center offering programs for at-risk youth and adults in Soutwest Detroit
Contact: Volunteer Coordinator, Volunteer Coordinator
Share your skills
Host a music clinic for our youth, or prepare a career info session for our Youth Apprentices.. the possibilities are endless!
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V.I.P. Mentoring
Mentoring program for at-risk children and adults.
Contact: Ms. Niecy Mohammed, Director of Operations
Share your skills
Host a music clinic to our youth or prepare a career info session to our Youth Apprentices鈥 the possibilities are endless.
Police Check
28 West Adams Suite 1310
Detroit, MI, 48226
V.I.P. Mentoring
Mentoring program for at-risk children and adults.
Contact: Ms. Niecy Mohammed, Director of Operations
Various Opportunities
Engage at Bethune with a with a young person between the ages of 7-14 years old, meet weekly (minimum 1 hour), help to educate career interest and preparedness in urban student, etc.
28 West Adams Suite 1310
Detroit, MI, 48226
Vista Maria
Residential program for abused, neglected or traumatized girls. Also, Alternative Education and Foster Care services for boys and girls.
Contact: Ms. Jessica Marcetti, Associate Manager of Volunteer Resources
313-271-3050 x 118
Female Mentor
Mentoring program pairs female mentors (21 or older) with Vista Maria clients to help the girls rebuild relationships and learn from mentors. The client may learn independent living skills, get help with tutoring, and discover how to be a friend. A one-year commitment is asked for that you visit your mentee for at least one hour every week. Monthly activities are offered for all mentors and mentees. These requirements enable the mentor to make a life-long impact. https://www.vistamaria.org/docs/VolunteerApplicationPart1forWeb.pdf
Drug Test
Police Check
TB Test
DHS Clearance
20651 West Warren
Dearborn Heights, MI, 48127
Vista Maria
Residential program for abused, neglected or traumatized girls. Also, Alternative Education and Foster Care services for boys and girls.
Contact: Ms. Jessica Marcetti, Associate Manager of Volunteer Resources
313-271-3050 x 118
Tutors for Girls in Residential Program
Many of the girls are in need of tutoring. Although they attend school daily, many of haven't attended school regularly in up to three years and are significantly behind academically. Hours and days are flexible. Men and women needed. https://www.vistamaria.org/docs/VolunteerApplicationPart1forWeb.pdf
Drug Test
Police Check
TB Test
20651 West Warren
Dearborn Heights, MI, 48127
Vista Maria
Residential program for abused, neglected or traumatized girls. Also, Alternative Education and Foster Care services for boys and girls.
Contact: Ms. Jessica Marcetti, Associate Manager of Volunteer Resources
313-271-3050 x 118
Behind the Scenes
Help behind the scenes - Campus Beautification (e.g., painting, pulling weeds, planting flowers, etc.), general office support or holiday preparation (e.g., creating and taking down the annual Haunted House, wrapping and sorting Christmas gifts). https://www.vistamaria.org/docs/VolunteerApplicationPart1forWeb.pdf
Police Check
TB Test
20651 West Warren
Dearborn Heights, MI, 48127
Volunteer Reading Corps
The Volunteer Reading Corps is a program geared toward helping our youngest learners with reading.
Contact: Ms. Evelyn Mann,
Reading with Kids
Volunteers will be matched one-on-one with a student to help them with their reading. Choose a site near you.
Police Check
Detroit, MI,
Volunteers of America, Detroit Veterans Housing Project
As part of the Volunteers of America Michigan, the Detroit Veterans Housing Project houses veterans and daily feeds 60 on site and another 16 at another location and provides other services to veterans.
Contact: Ms. Michelle Adams, Writing, Publications Specialist
Ruth Ellis
Prepare and serve meals (lunch and dinner) to veterans seven days per week. Complete application, receive approval in 2 - 3 days, then sign up for service times at: https://www.cervistech.com/acts/console.php?console_id=0111&console_type=event&ht=1 Note: Be sure to choose the Detroit Veterans Volunteer options.
Police Check
414 N Larch St.
Lansing, MI, 48912
Volunteers of America, Detroit Veterans Housing Project
As part of the Volunteers of America Michigan, the Detroit Veterans Housing Project houses veterans and daily feeds 60 on site and another 16 at another location and provides other services to veterans.
Contact: Ms. Michelle Adams, Writing, Publications Specialist
Event Helper
The events listed below are those that need volunteers. To learn more about an event, click on the event name (your application and background check must be completed before the system will allow you to register for an event). https://www.cervistech.com/acts/console.php?console_id=0111&console_type=event&ht=1 Events may include: Clothing and Hygiene Drive for Homeless Veterans, Linens and Things Drive- Detroit, & Cookies for Christmas.
414 N Larch St.
Lansing, MI, 48912
Voyageur Schools
Voyageur Schools (K-12) are free charter schools located in Southwest Detroit.
Contact: Ms. Dawn Ceballos, Counseler
Afternoon tutoring in all subjects. Chemistry and ELL most needed. 4-5:40 pm.
4321 Military St.
Detroit, MI, 48210
Voyageur Schools
Voyageur Schools (K-12) are free charter schools located in Southwest Detroit.
Contact: Ms. Dawn Ceballos, Counseler
Group Workshops
Workshops on various academic themes are desired to focus students on academic and career paths or to provide life skill enrichment. A Saturday School is in the planning stage (Fall, 2016) for parents/family 10am - 4pm.
4321 Military St.
Detroit, MI, 48210
WC Safe
WC SAFE provides care to survivors of sexual assault no matter where they live or where they were assaulted.
Contact: Benita Robinson, Director of Crisis Services and Outreach
Behind the Scenes Work
Volunteers needed to help put together survivor packets for our adult and child populations, and update resource lists
2727 2nd Ave, Ste 300
Detroit, MI, 48201
WC Safe
WC SAFE provides care to survivors of sexual assault no matter where they live or where they were assaulted.
Contact: Benita Robinson, Director of Crisis Services and Outreach
Help with Events
Volunteers are need to help at events.
2727 2nd Ave, Ste 300
Detroit, MI, 48201
Assists urban youth in developing themselves spiritually, socially, academically, and economically.
Contact: Ms. Nicky Marcot,
Reading and Tutoring Program
After school reading and tutoring program. Tutors needed in math and reading. Monday thru Thursday from 3-6pm.
Police Check
16742 Lamphere
Detroit, MI, 48219
World Medical Relief
Distributes surplus medical supplies to those in need
Contact: Alex Petrylk, Volunteer Coordinator
313-866-5333 x 222
Pack Medical Supplies
Pack medical supplies - Mon-Fri 9am-3:00pm for a minimum of 3hr and on Saturday 9-11:30
21725 Melrose Avenue
Southfield, MI, 48075
Yad Ezra Foodbank
Contact: Ms. Ruth Nadler, Client/Volunteer Manager
Warehouse Work
Sort, shelve and stock food in the warehouse. Sunday 10am-2pm or Monday & Wednesday 9:30am-2pm. Group volunteer experiences can be arranged with Darlene Rothman, volunteer manager.
2850 W. 11 Mile Rd.
Berkley, MI, 48072
Yad Ezra Foodbank
Contact: Ms. Ruth Nadler, Client/Volunteer Manager
Client Intake/'Shop" with client
Client Intake: Data entry experience is helpful, as is knowledge of Russian and Yiddish or accompany clients through the warehouse and fill the clients' grocery carts. Sun 12-2pm, Mon & Wed 10am - noon, or Tues & Thur 630-8pm.
2850 W. 11 Mile Rd.
Berkley, MI, 48072
Zaman International
To facilitate change and advance the lives of marginalized women and children, by enabling them to meet essential needs common to all humankind.
Contact: Ms. Abigail DeMars, Volunteer Coordinator
313-551-3994 x205
Nightly Food Delivery
Package and deliver prepared food to families in Dearborn and Canton
26091 Trowbridge St
Inkster, MI, 48141
Zaman International
To facilitate change and advance the lives of marginalized women and children, by enabling them to meet essential needs common to all humankind.
Contact: Ms. Abigail DeMars, Volunteer Coordinator
313-551-3994 x205
Staffing Drives
Staff various drives throughout the year; clothing/coats, school supplies/backpacks, dryfood/supplies.
26091 Trowbridge St
Inkster, MI, 48141
Zaman International
To facilitate change and advance the lives of marginalized women and children, by enabling them to meet essential needs common to all humankind.
Contact: Ms. Abigail DeMars, Volunteer Coordinator
313-551-3994 x205
Office Projects
Office Projects: prepare newsletters, preparation of various communications pieces, accounting.
26091 Trowbridge St
Inkster, MI, 48141